Steering too easy on TJ

I'll check for a shop, btw the way heres jeep dealer response about steering box which had a small number on cap of 5689010. "The part number you provided is a General Motors part number. From this information it appears that somebody retrofitted GM parts onto your Jeep Vehicle. Because of this, the gear is most likely not of the same ratio/operation as the original Jeep part that was designed for your vehicle. " Am i onto something here or unlikely?

Stock stop to stop is 3 3/8 turns. You stated it took you 3.5 turns. Seems like it's equal to me. If it were 1.75 to 3 3/8 then yes.
Ok so steering box is solely responsible for number of turns, nothing else in handling characteristics.

Wow i just got into a 2000 TJ at a dealer and standing still the steering wheel is 10x harder to turn than mine with engine on, no exaggeration.
Ok so steering box is solely responsible for number of turns, nothing else in handling characteristics.

Yes the box is a gear box with hydraulic assistance from the power steering pump. The gear ratio sets the number of turns. The size of the pump and Pistons within the pump set ease of turning. There are other things effecting the ease of turning.
The one item is caster. It is 7 deg stock and you are at app 5deg. This will effect ease of turning as well as sensitivity of steering. The sensitivity is what you are complaining about. The other item I asked about is the pitman arm. A third is air pressure. Also in the road really tight springs and shocks will help amplify sensitivity.

Shoot a pic of your front end like the pic I posted of someone else's vehicle.

Just had a heck of a storm here and round two is on its way.
Here you go sorry cant do chalk test till it stops raining <img src=""/> <img src=""/>
Here you go sorry cant do chalk test till it stops raining <img src=""/> <img src=""/>

Whoa! A few things need to be verified. I'm hoping more will look at this and comment. Maybe more pics in the light of day.

The short side of the axel drivers side looks to be severely bent.

The drag link past the tie rod looks bent. Ok that may be normal. Not sure how much bend there should be in the drag link.

Tie rod is bent.

There is a slight bend in the passenger side axel tube..

Is that upper ball joint on the driver side new! I'm wondering if it is an offset one to correct for the bend?
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That's got to be an illusion because of the lighting. The axle tube being bent that bad and the steering linkage being bent that bad would have caused someone to say something

You guys are a riot i just ran out in the downpour half dressed to check if i got ripped off and i can confirm the axle is straight. Talk about phone distortion. Any chance you could mark specific areas on photo to check for any bend? Im afraid at this angle without a lift it will never look truthful.
You guys are a riot i just ran out in the downpour half dressed to check if i got ripped off and i can confirm the axle is straight. Talk about phone distortion. Any chance you could mark specific areas on photo to check for any bend? Im afraid at this angle without a lift it will never look truthful.


There are three images.
The top is the picture I posted. The white lines are straight.
Biggest bend is the driver side. Right on third image down.
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So im trying to figure out whether some modifications were made to the power steering on my new old TJ, i had the same year model a while back and it didnt behave this way, but I know the previous owner had heavy tires on there and did a lot of offroading. The steering wheel turns with the slightest touch and its bothering me how responsive the jeep will be at high speeds. Again i never had this issue with previous one. Where should i start looking, doesnt seem like any linkages have been removed for offroading, is it possible the PS pump or steering box were replaced with aftermarket parts that caused this? i heard its not a good idea to go messing with the steering box adjustment.

Same here, it is so sensitive that it is scary.
Are you lifted with other mods? I cant believe how different the stock one i tried was. And mine behaved exactly the same on cracked old 33x12.50s that had maybe 15 psi so clearly not overinflated

So how much lift do you have? I'd think 4 in or more with the stock control arms will explain the low caster setting.

And the things I initially was looking for in the pics were:

Do you have
stock control arms-yes
stock pitman arm-yes
Is the track bar and drag link parallel- yes

Your toe setting is ok so the bend in the tie rod doesn't matter.

The better lighting does help but if I draw a line across the bottom of the longer side of the axel the shorter side (close to the knuckle) still appears to have a gap.
Looks like a 2" BL as for springs i can tell you front ones compressed are 11" tall not sure what stock is

You guys were right, i did the chalk test and am running at 25 psi now down from 29, as for the steering it made no difference can still make the steering wheel continue spinning after i let go if i spin it hard, talk about super power steering. Talk about non-existence of self centering ...
Looks like a 2" BL as for springs i can tell you front ones compressed are 11" tall not sure what stock is

Stock spring length is 12 in from very top to very bottom of the spring on level ground with the weight of the vehicle. If there is a budget lift or spacer lift that has to be added in.

Caster angle effects return to center speed. The more caster the faster the return. Stock caster angle is 7 deg as you go up in lift the angle reduces. At 4 in of lift the caster is around 4 degrees. Your caster is around 5 degrees.

By BL of 2 in do you mean body lift or budget lift (coil spacers)?
Reviewing your pictures.. The wheels.. Are they stock with a 1.5-2 in wheel spacer or are they a different wheel with less backspacing like 3.5 vs 5.5 stock? From the pic they used a spacer. This made running 33x12.50 cheaper to run without rubbing. This will also wear the wheel bearings and possibly the ball joints faster.

I ask because there is a measurement called scrub radius. I'm not an expert in this but the scrub area should be 1.5 to 2 inches I believe on the outside of the tire centerline. On your pic, if you drew a line through the ball joints it should fall under the tire thread. Yours appears to be outside due to the offset.. While more scrub should add resistance to turning it causes bump steer like conditions, more component wear and handling issues.
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