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  • superj
    superj replied to the thread XJ Heater hoses.
    here in texas, i found them at the local autoparts stores online, oreillys, autozone, and advanced auto. maybe you can get them...
  • superj
    superj reacted to michaelc291's post in the thread XJ Heater hoses with Like Like.
    Thanks very much for the suggestion. They are quite close to what is needed. The problem is the cost, plus, by the time I have shipped...
  • superj
    superj reacted to TerryMason's post in the thread TJ rear springs not lining up with Like Like.
    You've hit the nail on the head with this one. My passenger rear tire was at 12 psi while my driver side was at 30. That was the...
  • superj
    superj reacted to JPNinPA's post in the thread Can I Permanently Remove Stepper Motor? with Like Like.
    My earlier post is deleted??? I have not done this myself but understand you could leave the motor in and unplugged. Move the two motor...
  • M
    michaelc291 replied to the thread XJ Heater hoses.
    Thanks very much for the suggestion. They are quite close to what is needed. The problem is the cost, plus, by the time I have shipped...
  • TerryMason
    TerryMason replied to the thread TJ rear springs not lining up.
    You've hit the nail on the head with this one. My passenger rear tire was at 12 psi while my driver side was at 30. That was the...
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    • PXL_20241202_195021003.jpg
  • JPNinPA
    My earlier post is deleted??? I have not done this myself but understand you could leave the motor in and unplugged. Move the two motor...
  • JPNinPA
    JPNinPA replied to the thread TJ rear springs not lining up.
    Check your lift instructions. I don’t believe but i have read some lifts have a right and left spring. Also be sure you are on level...
  • JPNinPA
    JPNinPA reacted to superj's post in the thread TJ rear springs not lining up with Like Like.
    something is going on with the site. everytime i post, it says error so i hit post again and then it double posts. and not just on the...
  • superj
    superj replied to the thread XJ Heater hoses.
    is it these ones? the only ones i can find are expensive (this is the cheapest ones i found)...
  • superj
    superj reacted to TerryMason's post in the thread TJ rear springs not lining up with Like Like.
    I just renewed support for the forum, and have updated us to the latest software. Let me know if you see anything goofy.
  • superj
    superj reacted to TerryMason's post in the thread TJ rear springs not lining up with Like Like.
    I didn't know the stock had a slight bend in it, that's interesting. Maybe I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill. I'm going to take...
  • M
    michaelc291 replied to the thread XJ Heater hoses.
    Happily the car passed its test yesterday with a cobbled together hose, so that's that for another 12 months, Of all the requests I...
  • J
    Jeepergeo replied to the thread XJ Heater hoses.
    Gates sells various moulded heater hose fittings on Amazon. Gates Moulded Heater Hose Fittings
  • TerryMason
    TerryMason replied to the thread TJ rear springs not lining up.
    I just renewed support for the forum, and have updated us to the latest software. Let me know if you see anything goofy.