Steering Column Assembly help needed


Active member
I am assembling my steering column after it came loose and need some help. I am posting images but also a video that will explain the issue better.

YT Video

So this is the issue I am having when the column collapsed this all came apart I have tightened the E8 with red loctite and now I do not know how this next area goes together. In the first two images, I have yellow arrows pointing to some tabs and in the last, you see the ignition release I have tried fitting this several different ways and cannot figure it out.

I believe that tab in the first image is supposed to be where the purple arrow is pointing in the third image but not sure it was all apart in there when I disassembled it.

In the third image the Yellow arrow I have no idea what is supposed to go there if anything.

In the third image, the white arrow is where the ignition rod that goes to the box under the dash goes as another point of reference.

The Yellow arrow in the second image is where the key release is the lever in image three on the right as a reference. I think this is to hold the piece in? In fact my first thought was that both the tabs were to hold the piece in image three in and it only hooked to the ignition rod that goes under the dash but then the center section does not seem to be seated back far enough to not have the gap you see in image four, that image was taken when it collapsed and that gap would still be there so I am unsure how this is supposed to go together?

Video: IMG-20240803-WA0001.jpgIMG-20240803-WA0004.jpgIMG-20240803-WA0003.jpgWhatsApp Image 2024-07-04 at 19.36.21_f60cec91.jpg

Oh man, i have no idea. Are they in the pic from the other thread about that spacer?
The key release in this image I see a spring that was not on mine when I took the column down, image in the original post here.
Screenshot 2024-08-04 094015.png

In the process of searching for it I found it in the column. I had to remove the brake booster to get to the bolt to at the firewall to get the steering column shaft out but I was able to retrieve the springs

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-04 at 14.11.43_0c718291.jpg
Now my column looks like this
WhatsApp Image 2024-08-04 at 17.27.05_fe39d679.jpgWhatsApp Image 2024-08-04 at 17.27.22_a219cd30.jpg

I still cannot figure out how the plate that takes the E8s goes in?

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-04 at 17.30.27_4e04b7ca.jpg
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man, i cannot help. if i don't take it apart, or done it a few times, i won't remember anything on how it goes together
i found an exploded view but i cannot open the page at work, its blocked for me


i just typed "1987 jeep cherokee exploded view diagram steering column" into google

Solution: When I posted here looking for help my steering column had done this.

When I took it down thinking it was the E8s that everyone talks about I found them tight, but the entire section loose in the column.


I also found some pieces missing or broken one of the missing pieces was the spring in this image for the key release (I have a manual trans) that I found inside the column and had to remove the steering column shaft to get it.

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-04 at 14.11.43_0c718291.jpg

When I did, I found the tube looked like this.

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-04 at 17.27.22_a219cd30.jpg

When I posted no one told me this was broken, no one said anything, no one told me it is suppose to look like this.
Screenshot 2024-08-05 103951.png

When I removed the Shaft I was able to remove these pieces with the E8s

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-04 at 14.12.17_51e169ad.jpg

When I separated them I found this in between
Screenshot 2024-08-06 154054.png

I took this piece and the column tube to a auto shop a few blocks away and 15 minutes late and $20 I had this.

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-06 at 08.58.45_a7445319.jpg

I brought it back home assembled it as far as I could until some parts get here to replace some broken things but I can reinstall it in the Jeep now.

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-06 at 15.23.39_cef5b31c.jpg

If any of this looks like your issue or if your steering column looks like mine did on teardown this is the solution take the shaft out and separate the two pieces the E8s hold together there you will find the broken piece you need to weld back onto your tube.

I hope this helps someone, someday
oh crap, that weird piece was actually broken off the column metal tube cover? wow, thats nuts.