Column Re-assembly issue


Active member
I am reassembling my column and cannot get the holes to lineup to install the pins? I am including some images so you can see the assembly is correct and the last one you can see the pin hole the obstruction is the front of the piece where the pin goes through and I cannot get it to go back farther?

IMG-20240826-WA0008.jpgIMG-20240826-WA0010.jpgIMG-20240826-WA0011.jpgWhatsApp Image 2024-08-26 at 14.28.36_4e0ef280.jpg

if you put a screwdriver in the hole, can you use it as a lever to pull the hole into alignment?

just wondering, i am not sure why its not lining up
if you put a screwdriver in the hole, can you use it as a lever to pull the hole into alignment?

just wondering, i am not sure why its not lining up
I had tried that before posting, I got the pins in but have to say in all the videos I watched there was no issue in any of them with them lining up so I had to try somethings, below was the solution that allowed me to get the pins in.

I got the pins in what I did for anyone with this issue is I removed the front bearing and inserted the heavy spring and it lined up instantly once the heavy spring was set when I let go and the spring made it pop into place. Then once the pins where in I reinstalled the bearing and it is now locked in with no play in the steering shaft.

Thank you for posting
So I was wrong yesterday the pins where not in but I figured out what the issue is. I had to take out the entire column to have the column tube welded and when I put the shaft back in I did not get it down far enough and the knuckle was blocking the piece from going on.

I believe when I was removing the steering shaft that I pulled out the telescoping shaft that it connected to the steering box and had to remove that to get the steering column shaft to drop down far enough to assemble the column. The issue now is the steering shaft from the steering box to the firewall will not collapse it is stuck.

oh man, like the threads are to dirty or something so it won't slide down all the way?

do you ahve to pull everything and assemble it off the truck and then install as a unit?
I have not done anything with it I have been busy with other things and the weather here has been rainy. I got some penetrating spray and plan to spray it down to try and get it moving with some lube, if that does not work there is a garage two blocks from me that welded my column tube I can take it there and see what some heat will do. I am waiting on a power steering pump that will not arrive here until Tuesday the 10th so it has not been a rush thing to get done which I will probably regret later.