Things done when bored

Ya know, we aint quite right in the head. But I like it that way.

I'll second that!!!! Normal is scarry... And, it doesn't take any real effort to be normal. There's an art to nuts/screwy/crazy. I alway tell people ... Normal is boring... Live it up as were here only once (that we know of) and then were worm food. I'be also given instructions that should I get normal, hit me up side the head with a 2x4 to fix me... When I go to my nuts ominous meeting I say "I'm a nut case... It's been 364 days since my last bout of normalcy". Then all the other clowns yell out, stomp there over sized shoes and squish there big red squeaky noses...

That's the trouble in America today , no one takes the time to get to know their neighborhood nut cases . They just shun them like denizens from a sci-FI flick . It's just degrading how fellow American eccentrics must find ways to fit into society . Then they go do things like join jeep forums and search out other nut cases ..... Oh My God ! Did I just say what I think I just said ?
Oh goodness , Utah_Jeepster is going to have a field day with me ! GENNYBRO , how do I get out of this one ?
Don't worry, the word on the street is that the jeepsters getting counseling. Poor feller,don't know why he takes us so seriously.
"Hello, Welcome to the Mental Health Hotline"

If you are Obsessive-Compulsive, press 1, repeatedly.
If you are Co-Dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you.
If you have Multiple Personalities, press 3, 4, 5, and 6.

If you are Paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on the line so we can trace your call.

If you are Delusional, press7. Your call will be transferred to the Mother Ship.
If you are Schizophrenic, listen carefully, and a small voice will tell you which number to press.

If you are Manic-Depressive, it doesn't matter which number you press. No one will answer.

If you are Dyslexic, press 969669969.
If you have a Nervous Disorder, please fidget with the pound button until a representative comes on the line.

If you have Amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, phone number, date of birth, social security number, and your mother's and grandmothers' maiden names.
If you have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, slowly and carefully press 911.

If you have Bi-Polar Disorder, please leave a message after the beep. Or before the beep. Or after the beep. Please wait for the beep.
If you have Short-Term Memory Loss, please try your call again later.

If you have Low Self Esteem, please hang up. All our representatives are busy.

If you are using a rotary phone, hang up now, no one can help you anyway.
Thank you for calling the Psychiatric Hotline.

Bravo... Bravo ... Serious typing says I... Leader Robin Williams of Nut cases anonymous awards you a medal of Merritt....
I'm so happy the 12 step program is working for him. He's coming out of his shell.
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Temps are coolin a bit. Still nice tonight at 63 deg with a fire pit, wine and friends ..:. Nice! Hope my heads together tomorrow am.


Been searching for a beater car from my son for the last couple weeks. Located one, had smog issues (couldn't pass) returned it back. Just picked up an old 93 civic with 177k miles. Hope it holds together.
I miss my little Honda Civic I used to have.. Had over 400,000 miles on that 4banger and was still going strong until I got hit by a drunk driver. After 8 months, I was able to walk again and visited my o'l Honda on the yard. The engine was sitting almost at the top of the driver side fender and partially on the front dashboard.. The key was still in the ignition. I turned the key over and it started right up!! It made a bunch of noises mostly from the crankshaft pulley grinding on the fender but, it ran.. Best car I ever had...
I miss my little Honda Civic I used to have.. Had over 400,000 miles on that 4banger and was still going strong until I got hit by a drunk driver. After 8 months, I was able to walk again and visited my o'l Honda on the yard. The engine was sitting almost at the top of the driver side fender and partially on the front dashboard.. The key was still in the ignition. I turned the key over and it started right up!! It made a bunch of noises mostly from the crankshaft pulley grinding on the fender but, it ran.. Best car I ever had...

Ahhh a nice Honda story... Started right up.. wow..! Kinda like and old dog that can't get up off the porch wagging its tail at ya when you walk by. Yeah durable cars that give there all. Kinda road noisy, seats sit lower than a lot of cars so a little tougher to get out of.

Did the ceremonial/shake down cruise to work this am. It's the 4 banger-auto trans combo, so its a turd from 0-65, or rolling onto the freeway. You really gotta get on it just to try and merge in. Once at 65 it rolled along like the rest. It's lacking in rapid exceleration for passing maneuvers (think way ahead before attempting). Headlights are aimed low so I'll goof with them tonight using the garage door to adjust up some. 20 year old black paint is worn. Roof is faded to primer in a few spots. Hood has near 0 paint remaining (but straight!) left front fender close to it and a little rippled. Apparently those panels were repainted once, but not well. Came with a new fender (in trunk). Woo who! I see some sanding and a rattle can black (or plastidip) paint job on both at least as a temporary glamorization of this jewel. Interior on the other hand is near perfect. Even has the original Honda floor mats in near perfect condition! Factory am/fm cassette. Tires aren't bad. just had timing belt/water pump job.

Today is transmission day... New fluid, drive... Repeat 1-2 more times. Also has a decent oil leak. Looks like another job to change oil pan gasket. Sanded hood & left front fender some ie readied for rattle can paint.
Check, done. Nice pink red fluid. Even did a half cheek sand job and primered the (sand blasted looking) hood, and ratty left fender. Black paint on the panels tomorrow so it will be an all black car again.
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I'm waiting for the info on my well pump. Then I can get a relay and wire in the remote pressure switch.
Fixed sons atv. Repacked exhaust, installed new end cap and straightened and reinstalled turn down tip. Welding busted heal guard tonight. Repacked mine also. Replaced chain adjuster bolt.
2013-11-20 20.25.10.jpg
bought used gun in 89 500$
Last shot in 95....11$ 50 rounds
8 plus years of rebuilding a 24 year old race gun....200$
The pleasure of seeing her factory finished again....