06 tj blower problem


New member
the heater blower motor on my 06 tj will not work on the first two settings, i've read some threads on resistors but i'm not sure where my is. i traced some wires from the motor to a part that has yl,org,b/w wires going to it is this the resistor?
resistor changed out,all speeds working now, 5 min. to get it out,15 min to get the plug apart! it tried to be a B**ch.

FYI: 20 bucks at the Jeep dealer,cheaper than all the parts stores

a fella with a 95 had the same problem a few day back on the board, thought he needed a new blower motor... those are way cheaper.. lol

glad to hear ya did it your self..
a fella with a 95 had the same problem a few day back on the board, thought he needed a new blower motor... those are way cheaper.. lol

glad to hear ya did it your self..

Yeah, that's me. Still haven't replaced the resistor pack :D

Glad you got yours fixed. I'll call the stealership tomorrow and see if the resistor pack for the YJ is just as cheap as the one for the TJ (I'm betting not.)

I need to change mine also,but I have a worse problem.When mine went it got too hot and melted the plug.So I can not plug it into the resistor pack.The stealership only sells the whole wire harness for around $200.I only need the silly plug I can splice back in myself.Some day I will have to get up to the scrap yard.