Trail Pics


New member
My camera messed up so some of the pics are blurry. Sorry for you dial-up guys...

My jeep before we hit the trails the third day(yes that's a brand new FJ that was put through it's paces right behind me)

The group of jeeps(and an older fj)




Another highschool boy sitting on 35's

Now he's sitting on his side instead of the 35's... no damage not even scratched the paint



Some of the jeeps lined up at the mudhole... mine is third from the right... yes it was december and i rode with my top off

And these were the 2 rock buggies that watched over us... the blue one was a beast(44 iroks, 2.5 shaved rockwells, rear steer, 350 hp over 400 torque!) and Chad, it's driver, watched over me and really taught me alot about driving offroad

We had somewhere around 15-20 larger 4x4's at any one point, a ton of 4wheelers, some rhinos/mules/cub cadets(those little things can go!), and roughly 40 people. Most of the trails were fairly easy for 4.5 inches of lift and 33's but a few were pretty hard and slick conditions didn't really help. I'm working on gettin some pictures of the obstacles, i was kind of busy at the time to be taking any.

Man, that's some GREAT lookin' mud!!!! Looks like a really great time!

If mudwoman and I ever get back home (Waynesville, NC), we'll have to hook up. God, I miss the mountains!!!
That boy ain't on his side, he's still got three wheels on the ground. Cool pics though. And they don't make 44" Iroks, those are 42's :D. Man I hate the mud, I haven't been out in it in so long, it's such a PITA to clean and it gets in everywhere. I'd rather just actually break stuff than slowly grind away at it with mud. Looks like ya'll had a good time though.

Looks hella fun and really chilly! Good times.
if you've had weather like we have up in VA it was bout warm enough for the top down ..awesome pics looks like a good time !!!
It was plenty warm on the trial for the top down. Unfortunately i snagged the top on a tree ripped the top bad, pulled the channel off, shattered the frame in one spot, and bent it in another. It's now that the temp has dropped again that's it's startign to get to me. I had to scrape the ice off both sides of my windshield this morning! It'll be a month or two before i can get enough for a new top so basically i'm screwed... oh well at least the wheeling was fun
Up in mass too, we're having record breakin warmths... Still cold, but warm for JANUARY. Red ill send you some tarp im sure you can make something outta it.:lol:
Showing off for the camera

Dorivin stuck

Another pic of the jeeps

Ouch no showers but at least i still had a top at this point

And just to be really mean this is our beloved member dorivin...