Besides, you don't want your niece's future husband to have a bad driving record now do you? I'd hate for you to have to chaperone them on dates just because he can't drive.
Well, now, if I get to drive his jeep, then......:lol:
No, I'm not hating on him for fact, I wasn't sure about his state's procedures as far as diversion programs. I got my first ticket in 20 years a couple of years ago, and I took the diversion. Cost $50 on top of the ticket fine, but it kept it off my record. I wasn't paying attention, and was speeding, and I admitted that, rather than fight it or ***** about it because I got nailed in a "speed trap" by a cop that was "fishing". In other words, if you break the freakin' law, don't blame the cops for enforcing it! Hence my statement, "suck it up and pay the fine".