Is this really legal?
Yeah, it's legal. Not very effective in most places, though. Most court dates are set with the officer's work time in mind. In other words, the officer is scheduled once or twice a month only for court, not street work. When your case is scheduled, it is scheduled on that officer's court day. No matter how many times you postpone it, it will always be rescheduled for that officer's court day. Like I said, it's not like that everywhere, but in most places it is. The cop isn't going to get tired of you not showing up; he gets paid the same to sit in the court room whether you show or not, and it's not like he's being called in just for your traffic offense...he's already there.
Bummer about the 2nd ticket. You've got some bad karma from somewhere, bud! Anyway, when you go in for your 1st ticket, be right up front with the judge, before you say or do anything else, be honest and tell him about the 2nd ticket. And, when you go for the 2nd ticket, do the same thing. It may not be good for your wallet, but it would be worse if you tried to hide it. And, as always, your honesty will win a few points with the judge.
Here's a thought: make your ex pay for the 2nd ticket, since it was her fault!!:lol: Or, you could sue the cell phone company for enticement. Their marketing and services were just too much for you to resist, causing you to get a speeding ticket!!