Advice on buying an old Wagoneer w/401


New member
I've found an old Wagoneer that was donated to a church because the previous owner was tired of pouring money into it. It has had a lot of upgrades over the years.

It has two main issues - it needs a starter ring (one previous owner put on an incorrect starter). It also has a major timing issue which may be a combination of mechanical and electrical. The previous owner also complained that the jeep burned through batteries fairly regularly. It's currently not running.

I'm just comtemplating purchasing the jeep - I can pick it up really cheap, but I'm fearful that it could turn into a money pit and I'd like a jeep that I can bring to life and then depend on it when I take my kids up in the snow to play around for a day so it can get us home. I'm not sure this is the jeep for me, but it has a ton of performance upgrades. The 401 is a beast.

the jeep - 401 w/cam, four-barrel carb, the drive-train is perfect, it's lifted, new cooling system w/hoses & radiator, new exhaust, and new gears so it can cruise on the highway. The previous owner took out the carpet and rhino-lined the floor.

Any advice is greatly apprecited!

Post some pics when your post count allows it.

Sounds like a beast, how cheap is cheap?
I had a Cherokee "Chief" with the 401 in it. It was indeed a beast. Just had massive amounts of power. However, when you cracked the throttle it was like flushing a toilet. That big ol' Holley fairly poured the gasoline into it. The good news was that the gas mileage never got worse than 8 MPG. The bad news was that the gas mileage never got better than 8 MPG either. It was sure a kick though.

Good luck,


I guess one of my biggest concerns would be the continual money pit. I'm not exactly proficient and continual projects would eat at me. I can afford the thing now, but I'd like to have a rig that I could depend on to take the kids in the snow or the hills; and then get back home.
I'm also inclined to possibly purchase a wagoneer that is currently a daily driver, for more $, which may actually work out better financially in the future - big decisions! ha!
Here's a pic:
For about twice that price you probably can buy a wagoneer that is running. I boght one for $1300 in December. They are on ebay all day long for between $1200-2000. Let me say this , I bought mine and LOVE IT! It had a transfer shifter that was rigged and I just got that fixed. That was the only issue with my jeep. Like I said I love mine and I recommend one to wheel with the kids. if you don't buy the one from the chuch look around and find another one but BUY ONE!
Im kinda in the same boat... im looking at a 76 Wagoneer that isnt running. If i had the cash right now ive no doubt i would be there buying it. Wether or not it would be a money pit would be up to you i would think. Jeeps seem to be just like Harleys... theres always something you wanna do to it.