If an arrogant arsehole opens his door on his shiny escalade and slams it on your nurf bar and all your jeep got was a scratch that can be covered up with krylon and his pearl white escalade door edge has the shape of your nurf bars.:lol::D

371 - You can only listen to a CD while parked, otherwise it skips
you've ever giggled like a little girl when you saw the perfect pattern of tow hooks and expanded iron on the trunk of the car parallel parked in front of you.
Here's my score on the first batch.

1. If you use a hose to clean the inside and the outside
True dat.
2. When the best route from point A to point B is through the rockpile or over the mountain
True dat.

3. When a scratch or a dent is a beauty mark
True dat.

4. You roll it over and don't get upset
Haven't rolled it yet. must try harder.
5. Your mom and sister can't get in without help
-or at all.
6. You judge every hill you see by how much fun it would be to climb
True dat.

7. You puke when you see a RAV4
True dat.

8. You get custom pin-striping from trail brush
True dat.

9. When a low-rider Jeep pulls up next to you and you get out and *****-slap the driver
-low rider jeep better than no jeep
10. If it takes more than 6 hours to get donuts
-what are donuts?
11. When you pull into the unplowed parking spots on snowy days
True dat.

12. When you take your friends wheeling and they say "What trail -I don't see a trail!"
True dat.

13. When you've been forced to add TJ, CJ, YJ and XJ to your spell-checker
True dat.

14. When you can see OVER a Suburban
True dat.

15. You carry emergency supplies and clothing because you never know where you will end up
True dat.

16. When your Nerf bars battle rocks and win
-Not yet.
17. When it rains and you don't care that your tops and doors are off
True dat.

18. When you drive around to look at Christmas lights topless
Not yet

21. When you take your Mom wheeling and she has to help you flip the Jeep back onto its wheels again
-My mom would never get in the thing.
22. You use an ice-scraper on the INSIDE of the windshield
True dat.

24. Every page of your repair manual has greasy fingerprints
-Had to buy a new manual because the oil got so bad it was unreadable.
25. Passengers scream "DON'T ROLL IT!" when you take them wheeling
True dat.

26. You spend more time under your Jeep than under your significant other
True dat.
29. Even worse the car wash won't let you in
-Close, they hauled out a measuring stick to see if I was too high.

30. You fix almost everything yourself
True dat.

31. When you feel sorry for someone in a $60,000 Toyota Land Cruiser
True dat.
33. When you slam the door and chunks of dried mud crumble to the ground
True dat.
35. Your wife/girlfriend refuses to get in it
-Any woman who would not get in my jeep would not qualify for wife/girlfriend.

36. You are the only one on the street who doesn't plow their driveway
True dat.
39. You can't hear your $200 stereo over the howl of your tires on the highway
True dat.
42. You can't take a girl, who's wearing a dress, on a date without carrying along a set of steps
True dat.

43. You can't sneak into church late because the engine is too loud.
-Waste a Sunday not jeeping?
44. You carry along enough tools to supply a small garage
True dat.

47. You can air up your tires without stopping at a gas station.
True dat.
49. You're constantly getting passed on the highway.
True dat.

The local car wash uses a poster of your machine to indicate what is not allowed to be washed there.
..when you're driving back home, and all the dogs in the locality start barking! flatly refuse to drive another car, because you will just take too long to get used to it

hahaha this is great i had a friend ruin another friends sove with the powder coat thing but never thought about the dish washer that is funny. i will say that he got a very harsh beating for ruining his stove. it was priceless all together as i just sat and watched it all go down knowing how it was going to end from the get go.
If you drive thro a lake to wash the trail mud off....
If you stop for a **** and catch up to your jeep by walking..
If you can walk faster than your granny gear....


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