322 - When you can stand up and proudly moon the world from the front bumper without fear of falling off. :lol: :shock:

speedo calibration after lift

#324: If you've ever used an ice scraper to clean mud off your rear view mirrors!

Re: Forum Rules and Guidelines -- Why?

Yeah, I read it, but I was just keeping up with the count here. If I had posted it as #294 here, someone else would have nailed me for that, so it was a lose/lose situation!

Oh, great list, BTW!!!

Zombie thread!!!

#325 When 15mph in 4th gear is fast.
#326 You know all the bumps around town and which direction they'll pull the jeep when you hit them.
- Someone refers to your Jeep as a "car" ...and while you keep a calm exterior because you don't want them to think you are some kind of nut job or something, inside your mouth dried up, your head is spinning, and you want to scream that it is a Jeep, not a car, and they must be the biggest imbecile on the planet to have made that slip of the tongue! :razz:

#328: You see other people's Jeeps and think about all of the mods they could use and/or need
I used to work for a company that would complain when my truck used to drop mud on to there car park, they said it made it look untidy :(

900. if you lose sleep worrying about hotwiring thiefs... and are already looking into hiding a manual master kill switch just to confuse a would be thief!

901. you can see daylight between the chassis and the body without bending down.

A 9 year old presents you with this:


  • JordansPic2008_1Sml.jpg
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When your roommate asks why you are so excited that the mailman brought you 11 hockey pucks, and you simply answer it is your new body lift..