mingez said:
141. When your jeep is a POO Brown Rust Bucket! :lol: ^^^^

I guess I dont have a real jeep cause I dont have any rust!

177. When you find all sorts of its parts all over the garage, driveway, and at times in the house :shock:

-Nick :!:
Oh yeah...

Heck if I can keep track of the numbers anymore...

When you go for a ride in your mom's car, and feel like you're laying down in a bed.

When you ask around to everyone at your local brewery to find out just who owns that red XJ with the lift that you park next to all the time.

When birthday, christmas, or just general presents are "something for your Jeep"

When you say "Hang on!", and your friends freak and make a dash for the oh-chit bars.

It's posts like this that keep me up all night. This is great, haven't laughed so much in a while... And yes, I DO park next to other Jeeps whenever possible, my mom did give me grief for dropping clumps of mud in the driveway, and people have gone out of their way to get out of my lane to avoid the clumps of mud falling off onto the freeway.

you always smell like exahust, and your platoon sergeant would rather ride to the range with you than in a hummvee
Sully said:
I have counted them all up,222!
(Yes,I have way to much time on my hands!!!)

Here's one more ;

223.If everytime you look at your jeep after you have done an expensive mod,you still see $500 worth of stuff that you want for you jeep.It never ends!
Sully said:
Ummm, Sully you were the official countmaster according to your post here :shock: . I just extrapolated the unnumbered replies after you post as well as the missnumbered ones and started with what looked like the next number. If my counting was incorrect, I apologize and stand corrected. If my numbers were correct, then the latest count is 250. Either way this is a great post that should not be allowed to die.
D 8)
When people are always looking at you saying "Isn't it time you got that thing washed?"


When your dad hands you a handful of quarters, and says the car wash is right down the road.

Saurian said:
When people are always looking at you saying "Isn't it time you got that thing washed?"

Heh. I get asked that every so often. I just realized that I have not washed my Wrangler at all since I bought it last August. Oh and I don't plan to wash it either..... :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
Just pulling this one up from the depths of General Chat... Is it just me, or did we get quite a few new members in October of this year, seems like it... Anyway, perhaps they might chime in, I just know that this thread was hysterical, our version of the HardTop that Gadget pointed us to in another forum... Off to work before work, so before pre-work-work, I figured I'd put this back up top, has been bugging me all night.

Cheers! :)
224: You know you have a real jeep when you deside to be cheap and move your Whole house and your jeeps carries just under 3,000 trips. Nothing like watching a jeep going 2 mph down the road trying not to drop the couch.
Re: RE: HowdyHo!

[228] (count 'em) You have to park 4 blocks away from your destination, which has a parking garage that isn't full but your Jeep is too tall.
332. if you come home and the wife/girlfriend wont let you in the house till you hose the mud off yourself.....dang the hose water is cold :evil: :lol: :lol:
Another one I drag to the top...

When the only time your Jeep is in a garage longer than it takes for a repair is when you did a lift, and forgot to measure the door (I could see myself doing this)..

When you are running around the off-road accessories store like a kid at christmas, and your mom has this "I just don't get it" look on her face.

A recount was in order. And I came up with 302! If you want to challenge the number go back and count cause I am not counting again!
303. When you spend $300 replacing parts under your jeep trying to find a knocking noise.

304. you finally find & fix the knock then miss it.

306. You throw down with the president of the home owners association because you do not consider changing a few measly bushings "WORKING" on your Jeep........... If more than 2 tires & one axle are still attached, you are not "WORKING", you are tinkering!!! :lol: