jterp, Ya I know, I got sick of looking at that same old picture on my jeep! She looks nothing like that anymore. I am waiting to get pictures developed and then I will scan, and post. even that picture of my bike is about 1 1/2 years old. Bike looks nothing like that either!

I need a digital camara!!
Buy sth cheap, to china wholesales Mall.

You spend a few days at work piling up pea gravel, then drive up it one more time with your Jeep.


  • LSA mountain r.jpg
    LSA mountain r.jpg
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  • King of the HIll r.jpg
    King of the HIll r.jpg
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...When in high school your friends would regularly take your doors, hood, windshield, and tailgate off and push you're rig into the fountain in the courtyard at school. Not to mention take all your toolboxes, and any other random stuff they could find, out and place it next to said fountain.
When you have your doors and top off and you only carry stuff with you when driving on the road that you don't mind if it falls out if you hit a big bump or take a corner too fast.

If you lock your $10,000 car so it doesn't get stolen but are completely unable to lock the $25,000 vehicle you love more
if you make a conscience decision what shoes to wear for driving so your feet don't get burnt by the floorboards

-When you agree or have experienced 90% of the things already listed here. (Like using the ice scrapper on the inside of the windshield!)

-You have more shift levers than you do tires.

-You never have to worry about getting stuck because you have winch that can literally pull your jeep up a tree!

The original speedometer only goes up to 60 MPH and there ain't no little metric numbers under the digits.:scratch:

you refer to your Jeep as "B" and poeple start calling your wife "B" thinking that's HER name. :crazy:

when you run over the car in front of you and say "I did'nt know that bump was there":scratch:

when you paint your trail rig to deliver the mail

You know you have a real Jeep get chosen for the top ten in's TJ of the Month contest for August! (...and even though you often cheat on over at JF, you still come back here to ask everyone to help you win and get your rig in the calendar by going over to the JF TJ Technical forum and voting for Poobah!). :lol: It's ok to enjoy two forums, right? :roll: You have to be registered there to vote - but it only takes a sec and is worth it - it is another great Jeep site - much like Jeepz! ...oh, and as much as I want to win, if you really like another rig better, then go for it and vote for them - I won't hold it against ya'! Happy Trails - and thanks!
-your jeeps not parked until its front tire is up on something

-you get a little excited everytime you see another jeep on the road

-you know what a "jeep wave" is (four fingers up on the steering wheel)

-You often find yourself saying to non-jeep drivers, "its a jeep thang, you wouldn't understand" and you mean it

-you have an unhealthy attraction to mud and rocks

-you've been known to slam on your brakes and head for a trail you spot on the side of the road

-the word "topless" has a whole new meaning

-you think a clean jeep is a travesty

-when two jeepers get together, the conversation may start off about the weather, but it never takes to long for the conversation to revert back to which mud boggers are the best and why.

-you always have tow chains and a full toolbox on hand, but you refuse to help anyone but jeeps on the side of the road.

-if given the choice between sex and jeeps... you'd more than likely choose jeeps

-upon owning a jeep, you feel as though you've been let into a special club that no one else who doesnt own a jeep will ever understand

-you've never taken your jeep to a carwash, a sparkly jeep is just unnatural

-your broke, you live with your parents and your in debt up to your eyeballs.. BUT, your jeep has 37" muddboggers, dana 60 rear differential, 6 inch long arm suspension lift, allison transmission, skid plates covering every inch of the undercarriage, 120lb brushguard that could mow down a forrest, a winch, enough lights on the lightbar to simulate daylight and a sound system that could bust eardrums on the other side of the planet.

-you know that for every stock jeep you see, there is a bank account growing with the specific purpose of making it a bonafide rock crawler. not to mention a garage full of packaged parts.. jeep owners are notoriously impatient

-you have a bumpersticker that looks upside down but says "if you can read this, flip me over"

-jeepers seek other jeepers, many a couple are bound by a love of jeeps. its a match made in heaven.

When you turn the key and say "oh please!!!" then when it starts you yell "woo hoo first try baby!!" or is that just me lol.

The exhaust over-sounds your $500 stereo system and talking on the phone is completely impossible unless you roll the windows up and put the blower on fresh air so the top blows out so it doesn't rattle. or is that just me again haha.
you know you have a REAL jeep when all your electronis still work the morning after 5 hours of down pours over night with the top off!