This thread is seriously funny & so true!
You break a shock absorber mounting tab, pull over & weld it with the second alternator that lives under your hood & are back under way in 15 minutes!
You keep a squeegy in your console box, because as smart as those designers were they neglected to put wipers on the inside of the windshield.
Your wife says; one of these days, it's gonna come down to me or the jeep & you quietly tell yourself, I'm gonna miss that woman!
Your teenage daughter refuses to be seen in it.
You lay awake at night, scheming to come up with ways of humanely keeping cats from sleeping on your seats.
You breath a sigh of relief to see the snowplow guy left you a parking spot, that's four feet above the normal parking altitude. (and you know it will be there for you for the next few days)
Your back bumper doubles as an air tank.
Your doors were tire carriers on two S-10 Blazers in past lives.
You've ever driven up a flight of concrete steps, just to see if you could.
If you look for obstacles to trick off of, while your wife is shopping.
The folks who work at the car wash, wave you away when you pull into line.