The OFFICIAL Random thread

So it's official. She's a dork. The jury's still out on whether or not I want to keep dating her. It's not that I think it's weird she's a dork, just not sure.

woww thats too cold fer me...... but in the summer here its 120 and that sucks too ... I meen you can fry an egg on a street, so I try to stay off the streets
So it's official. She's a dork. The jury's still out on whether or not I want to keep dating her. It's not that I think it's weird she's a dork, just not sure.

What did she do to make you declare her a dork? Are you sure she's not just a free spirit? You know, "Playful?"

I dig chicks that don't care what others think of them.

Besides, she's hot. And isn't that the most important thing of all? :D

What did she do to make you declare her a dork? Are you sure she's not just a free spirit? You know, "Playful?"

I dig chicks that don't care what others think of them.

Besides, she's hot. And isn't that the most important thing of all? :D

She's just goofy, and I think she's smarter than me. However, that in itself is a bit of a turn on...
Yeah so it's NOT snowing here. I actually wish it would. I mean the rain is good and all for mud, but snow is fun. I think that we already got our allotted 3 inches for the next 3 years down here in the Willamette valley. STOOPID SEA LEVEL! I guess the continual mud does kind of make up for it...

Well, after sitting around all night Monday night waiting for snow that didn't come, it started snowing here yesterday around 2 pm. Didn't quit till sometime last night, so I had to go out early this morning and spot check all of our properties. We didn't get enough to make much difference, but what we got was windblown and drifted in tiny little rock hard 5" drifts all over the sidewalks. The temperature at the time was 4 degrees with -15 wind chills. I hate sweating my butt off shoveling snow drifts, while all the time my hair is freezing into little icicles on my head, then when I go to pull off my hood, it's stuck and rips out half of my hair with it. I ain't got a lot of hair left to spare, so that just adds to the trauma.
Sweet! We're going from single digit lows and sub-zero windchills this week straight into low to upper 50's for highs all next week!!! Damn I love Kansas weather!!!!!:D

I so want one. And to think I was happy with my Mustang doing 126 in 1/4 mile. I feel deprived and appalled that I had such a slow car.