The OFFICIAL Random thread

You guys are referring to my son to be here... a little respect?

Drop the subject. Damn nothing is safe around here :lol:
That is true. not a very safe place I guess. I couldn't find a picture of me holding a handful of respect, so it'll just have to be a mental picture...a big dripping handful of respect...Just kidding TC. Congrats on that.
That is true. not a very safe place I guess. I couldn't find a picture of me holding a handful of respect, so it'll just have to be a mental picture...a big dripping handful of respect...Just kidding TC. Congrats on that.

lol... my half-hearted complaint was partly in jest. More of a plea to not let it get... well you know.
So, they said we were going to get 6-8 inches of snow overnight... Didn't believe it, correctly predicting the weather in Michigan is about as likely as finding integrity in a political campaign... Surprise surprise, we got about 8 inches of snow in one fell swoop, along with 30 MPH gusting winds today. Just got done shoveling my house, and my neighbor's (retired schoolteacher, in her 60s, doesn't need to be shoveling snow)... That's 2 4 car driveways, 120 feet of 5' wide sidewalk, and 2 little front walks... I'm beat! But it was fun. I like shoveling snow, good cardio if you don't have a heart attack doing it :p...

Can't wait to take my Jeep through the sub later today; they haven't even cleared the freeways, let alone primary roads and then my street (school bus route, plowed and salted)... About time we got some snow around here :twisted:

I always say if its gotta be cold it should snow, but now I'm not so sure. It started with freezing rain yesterday, then moved to snow. Well I work for the grounds crew at my school, so I was at work from 5 till 815 yesterday evening, then had to go back in this morning at 3. Ugh. Im taking a couple hours off now to go to class, but then its back to it till 4.
Hey, Happy Valentines Day you guys. I hope you all remembered your sweeties. If you screw up Valentines Day you have to wait a whole year to make it up!

Shut up. It's 23 here with wind gusts up to 50 mph. I'm cooking fillet mignon tonight for the new girlie.
Hey, Happy Valentines Day you guys. I hope you all remembered your sweeties. If you screw up Valentines Day you have to wait a whole year to make it up!
I did remember my sweetie...I bought her a brand new exhaust from headers to tail pipe :purple:


what are you saying?!?

oh her
yes the and chocolate and a leveling kit for HER darn dodge 3500
Shut up. It's 23 here with wind gusts up to 50 mph. I'm cooking fillet mignon tonight for the new girlie.

Hey now I know what they are talking about when I watch the east coast knews from NEW YORK . When they say you better bundle up its going to be a cold one.... Now I totally understand....

Forecast 8 degrees tonight. I spent the morning shoveling snow and chipping ice. The Jeep enjoyed the trip into town though ;)
Forecast 8 degrees tonight. I spent the morning shoveling snow and chipping ice. The Jeep enjoyed the trip into town though ;)

Woke up this morning to a low of 3 degrees, wind chills of -15. Pretty much stayed below 12 degrees all day, and wind chills stayed below zero all day due to 20-30mph winds. Spent the day delivering flowers for one of the bigger flower shops in Wichita. Our company has a contract with them for Valentine's day and Mother's day. We send 6 or 7 of our guys down there in vans and deliver flowers for 8 or 9 hours for them. Usually get a pretty good tip from the owner of the flower shop, too! (Plus you get a lot of hugs from really cute chicks that are soooo happy to get flowers!:D )

Started snowing around 3 pm, just a light blowing snow. By the time I came home it had started to cover all the roads and sidewalks with a light dusting, less than a tenth of an inch, but it was so cold, it didn't melt and kept things kinda slick. There's a chance I'll go out tonight on snow watch. Basically, that means I sit in the parking lot of Panera Bread and sleep all night and get paid overtime for it. I wake up every couple of hours to see if it's snowed enough to call out the rest of the crew, then go back to sleep. I like it....what can I say?