o2 sensor


New member
I went to change my o2 sensor earlier and noticed the connector on the motor side was gone must have ripped off now I'm stuck with 4 loose wires does anyone know which wires go where on the sensor side or am I better off going to the scrap yard and look for a new end

Provide the model, year, and engine, maybe somebody can help you out with the wire colors. Also state which o2 sensor if more than one.
Still no luck finding this out I've found diagrams but nothing is listed on what color wire goes where on the sensor connector

Do the wires still have the Pins attached or are they frayed loose wires?

The four wires are all different color, I recalled seeing a O2 schematic for my 94 in either the FSM or chiltons years ago when I added a narrow band air/fuel gauge.
If you can't locate the schematics, I would just find the vehicle side either at the dealership or at a junk yard. If the pins are still good and useable, then put them into the new connector or splice it on. If you splice, I highly recommend solder and shrink wrap for a proof free conection.
The clip is gone just 4 loose wires hanging there it don't matter if I'd have a clip I'd just splice it to the sensor I just don't know which wires go to which contact on the sensor