attn: Robrt-Stephens

RE: Air intake

bchcky said:
Sparky-Watts said:
That's the way it is over at the geocaching forums. Ask a simple question as a noob, and everyone crawls up your arse about not using the search function. Most of the noobs don't even know there is a search function, they just want their question answered.
i cant say i blame them. it floods the boards and gets repetetive. and being a noob is no excuse for not knowing there is a search function. being a noob means you're expected to ask some really easy/stupid questions, but other members are still allowed to hope you've got enough common sense to find the search button.

I gotta disagree with you there. As Mingez alluded to, when I started out on, it was only the 2nd bbs I had ever visited, and the first to ever post to. I had no idea there was a search function available. Once I got to know a bit more about it, instead of flaming other noobs that didn't know about it, I helped them with it. If you've got time to post a reply to a noob for not using the search feature, then you've got time to kindly point it out to them and explain how to use it. I did that, as well as answering their questions, whenever possible. As an example, if a noob asked what size tires will fit on a stock YJ, I'd tell him 31's with a little rub here and there, and then explain to him that he could find other posts on the subject with the search feature at the top of the page.

As for the search feature here, I think it sucks in comparison with some of the other boards I've been on. In fact, it's quite possibly the worst I've seen.

As for flooding the boards.....I just don't see the problem. I can (and often do) skip over topics that don't interest me, and it doesn't take but a second or two to do that. The hot topics always rise back to the top of the list, and the not-so-hot topics generally fall off the page within a day or so.

Personally, I don't see any point in flaming anyone for any reason. If they are ignorant about something, help them out. If they are trolling, ignore them. If they want to be flamed, and you flame them, that just adds fuel to their fire.

There are folks here (in reference to some comments made about pirate4x4 earlier) that think rock crawling is the true off-road adventure. Others prefer trail riding. I prefer mudding, only because I haven't had much of a chance to do either of the former. I know I'd like rock crawling, but I also know I'd prefer trail riding if there were areas closer to me that I could get to without burning a tank and a half of gas getting there. Point is, nobody here says that what they prefer is the only thing to do in a Jeep, and if you don't do what they like, you're wasting a good Jeep. We have a unique bond that allows us to celebrate each other's interests, and to learn from them as well.

I'm still very glad I found this board, and I'm still very glad that Robert did, too.

trust me, it get annoying. you can only skip over so many threads. this isnt a real jeeping forum like some i've been to. like i've said before, thats not a knock on the place, or i wouldnt be here, but its not as helpful as other forums out there. so when you go to another site, for actual jeep help, then yes, it does get annoying.

ps - its time to start the flaming.
bchcky said:
trust me, it get annoying. you can only skip over so many threads. this isnt a real jeeping forum like some i've been to. like i've said before, thats not a knock on the place, or i wouldnt be here, but its not as helpful as other forums out there. so when you go to another site, for actual jeep help, then yes, it does get annoying.

ps - its time to start the flaming.

No need to flame you over your opinion. Like you said, you wouldn't be here if some part of it didn't interest you.

but its not as helpful as other forums out there

The only way to fix that is for all of us to get our asses over to the tech forum and start helping.

Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: HELP!!! Need opinions from all Jeepz

Sparky-Watts said:
bchcky said:
Sparky-Watts said:
That's the way it is over at the geocaching forums. Ask a simple question as a noob, and everyone crawls up your arse about not using the search function. Most of the noobs don't even know there is a search function, they just want their question answered.
i cant say i blame them. it floods the boards and gets repetetive. and being a noob is no excuse for not knowing there is a search function. being a noob means you're expected to ask some really easy/stupid questions, but other members are still allowed to hope you've got enough common sense to find the search button.

I gotta disagree with you there. As Mingez alluded to, when I started out on, it was only the 2nd bbs I had ever visited, and the first to ever post to. I had no idea there was a search function available. Once I got to know a bit more about it, instead of flaming other noobs that didn't know about it, I helped them with it. If you've got time to post a reply to a noob for not using the search feature, then you've got time to kindly point it out to them and explain how to use it. I did that, as well as answering their questions, whenever possible. As an example, if a noob asked what size tires will fit on a stock YJ, I'd tell him 31's with a little rub here and there, and then explain to him that he could find other posts on the subject with the search feature at the top of the page.

As for the search feature here, I think it sucks in comparison with some of the other boards I've been on. In fact, it's quite possibly the worst I've seen.

As for flooding the boards.....I just don't see the problem. I can (and often do) skip over topics that don't interest me, and it doesn't take but a second or two to do that. The hot topics always rise back to the top of the list, and the not-so-hot topics generally fall off the page within a day or so.

Personally, I don't see any point in flaming anyone for any reason. If they are ignorant about something, help them out. If they are trolling, ignore them. If they want to be flamed, and you flame them, that just adds fuel to their fire.

There are folks here (in reference to some comments made about pirate4x4 earlier) that think rock crawling is the true off-road adventure. Others prefer trail riding. I prefer mudding, only because I haven't had much of a chance to do either of the former. I know I'd like rock crawling, but I also know I'd prefer trail riding if there were areas closer to me that I could get to without burning a tank and a half of gas getting there. Point is, nobody here says that what they prefer is the only thing to do in a Jeep, and if you don't do what they like, you're wasting a good Jeep. We have a unique bond that allows us to celebrate each other's interests, and to learn from them as well.

I'm still very glad I found this board, and I'm still very glad that Robert did, too.

You got it. Amen!!

This medium is to instantly share and learn from, not to anonymoulsy attack and be a cowardly bully for the sake of it. We are four wheelers, all of us, period!!

Great post!

RE: Thanks !

ok im going to chime in here. i hang around on pirate and i quickly learned that you dont say anything untill youve learned something. if you hang around on pirate youve got to be well thought in order to avoid the slaughter, but there are some nice people on there. i broke the flat springs in my transmission and a girl on there sent me some new ones for nothing. but pirate is an extreme rockcrawling forum, its not a trailriding forum, at least not in the jeep section. most people that post there are more concerned with only crawling. and not all the rigs there are 5 tons wiht jeep bodies, thats a ridiculous assumption. lots of guys there roll monster rigs, but almost everybodey on there has been innovative in buildign their rigs. a lot of vendors, dealers, companys, etc, hang out on there because there is so much information they can use because those guys are forever coming up with something astounding. the revlover issue is one they dont like, and its apparent. they arent all ramp flex over there which they consider revolvers to be for. most of those guys custom fab their entire suspensions, and consequently they have a lot of pride in their stuff and dont like seeing someone come on bragging about how their revolvers held up for the first couple weeks of use, and then "saved them" when their axle slid out driving down the highway. the reffering to robrts cj in first person, and calling it by the name VEX, also seems rather precarious in that situation over there, since they already dont like newbies who ask questions about revolvers, let alone ones that brag about them. this is just my interpretation, i followed that thread and yea it was entertaining, but seriously robert, you were asking for it by doing wat you did. nothing against you but that was a bad move. if you had waited for a little while before you posted, you would have realized that..
I like the fact that a newbie can ask a question like:
"I just bought a 1997 XJ, and want to run 32" tires. What size body lift would I need for that to work?"


"What's the best lift for a 95 Wrangler?"

and the guy won't get flamed because the XJ's are a unibody vehicle (can't do a BL), or for not searching on it. He won't get shap jabs because he didn't say what he wanted it for or what tire size he wants to run on his YJ.

Here's a post from a newbie here on Jeepz that shows this:

oh i know, and im entirely with you on that, that is one of the reasons i hang out around here, but one of the reasons i hang out on pirate is b/c of the wealth of info. if you lurk around there you can learn some serious stuff. but yea twisted i agree with you, over here on jeepz were a lot more lenient to stupid questions. (on a side not pirate has a designated newbie forum and most people wont get flamed for posting there, but for posting newbie questions in the regular sections) one of the reasons i joined this board originally was b/c of all the great people and that fact that i could ask my dumb questions that i honestly didnt know
RE: Re: RE: Re: attn: Robrt-Stephens

I have no desire to be on Pirate. I have visited there and they appear to me to be arrogant male a**es and I have enough of those in my real life, I don't need to visit them in my on-line time. I don't come across too many men like that on places like Jeepz so this is where I'll stay. You think you all have troubles with sites like that?? Try being a girl and using them.

just so you know lady, there are some very knowledgeable women on there that hold their own. i understand the predicament though. like i said earlier, its a hardcore rockcrawling community there, not a place to ask where the best deal is on a new set of 32's. please dont take that the wrong way at all anyone, im just simply stating that most things that concern people here are completely in a dfferent territory than them

currupt4130 said:
ok im going to chime in here. i hang around on pirate and i quickly learned that you dont say anything untill youve learned something. if you hang around on pirate youve got to be well thought in order to avoid the slaughter, but there are some nice people on there. i broke the flat springs in my transmission and a girl on there sent me some new ones for nothing. but pirate is an extreme rockcrawling forum, its not a trailriding forum, at least not in the jeep section. most people that post there are more concerned with only crawling. and not all the rigs there are 5 tons wiht jeep bodies, thats a ridiculous assumption. lots of guys there roll monster rigs, but almost everybodey on there has been innovative in buildign their rigs. a lot of vendors, dealers, companys, etc, hang out on there because there is so much information they can use because those guys are forever coming up with something astounding. the revlover issue is one they dont like, and its apparent. they arent all ramp flex over there which they consider revolvers to be for. most of those guys custom fab their entire suspensions, and consequently they have a lot of pride in their stuff and dont like seeing someone come on bragging about how their revolvers held up for the first couple weeks of use, and then "saved them" when their axle slid out driving down the highway. the reffering to robrts cj in first person, and calling it by the name VEX, also seems rather precarious in that situation over there, since they already dont like newbies who ask questions about revolvers, let alone ones that brag about them. this is just my interpretation, i followed that thread and yea it was entertaining, but seriously robert, you were asking for it by doing wat you did. nothing against you but that was a bad move. if you had waited for a little while before you posted, you would have realized that..

I really take issue with your post, in this regard:

I have trouble with our culture now not being able to read, comprehend, formulate a complete sentence and having "selective seeing" of what they read.

I am not a Revolver fan. I am testing them rigoriously and have had them only for 8 weeks now. I posted the mishap on I-90 and have jeeped long enough for these 40 years, neary everyday and as my DD, to know what did and what did not, saved my ass. The Revolver Shackles did just that, and I was there with no one else to observe such and recover safely from, and that is not subject to debate.

I do not care what the elitists, Sierra Club like frothing-at-the-mouth nature of the rock Crawling fad does, I was trying to invoke good dissent or support either for or against these devices, with data that could offer me more than I now know.

Strangely, and read this carefully, of the nine BBs I posted questions and my findings on the RSs, thus far, there was only one BBs that had one poster, that took the time to respond and respond with photos even, and that was none other than the Pirate BBS. The guy offered good information to me, someone that is trying them as I test so many things that work and those that don't. He p;osted photos too with a good explanation and his own warning, which was well heeded by me.

I did nothing there. I was attacked without remorse and for no reason and they are mostly catagorically a bunch of new age myopic assholes there for the most part. There is no reason for that online behavior. However, had I not been banned by loony-tune Eric Linker, I would have enjoyed more data from the one poster there, a hard core rock crawler only, who took the time with me to offer great dissenting evidence from his own experience.

Since, that poster and member there, emailed me and aplogized for the rest of the board and offered more detailed information on the failure of RSs as he has tested them. I had 32 other mails on the same topic of apology for the place and myself being banned.

Long before you were born, it was customary to name our Jeeps, just as the majority do at Pirate-rockcrawler do--scrawled all over their rigs--what's the issue with this, too?

Think outside the "church" dogma a little bit.......

Is this a fair response and there is no truculence intended. Please know this.

Thank you.
well thank you for the time, i in no way meant to offend you if i did, just try to shed a little light. ill agree with you and the rest of the guys that emailed to apologize, you got the worst of the bunch over there that took onto your topic. there seems to be a bunch over there that swarm on anyone with a questionable question. and sorry for the criticism on the naming thing robert, it just seems a little odd to me but i guess i need to let well enough alone and not say anything about certain things. thank you for your enlightenment and im sure out of this emotional void of the internet the use of expression would convey our messages better.
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: attn: Robrt-Stephens

You have to understand though, everyone has different ideas of how things should be. A lot of the people on pirate rock crawl....and they are considered "professionals" at what they do.

You might play basketball on your free time, but how dare you run around critisizeing all the professional basketball players that are in the NBA....simply because you don't like something (or several things) about them. You don't run around posting everywhere that Michael Jordan did this and Michael Jordan did that. If you don't like it, leave it alone!

I'm not sure who made the Revolver Shackles (yes I don't know much about them, but I was going to get them if I had kept my Jeep much longer), but I'm sure they even are a member on Pirate. Many and almost all companys that make aftermarket products are members there, whether you notice them or not. And by saying that, you can't also say that they're young and new to the sport. There's people there that pretty much invented what offroading is today. They were fabing up these product decades before they became what they are today...

Re: RE: What is the difference

Michael Jordan sucks. He's a selfish degenerate gambler. Kobe Bryant is a a criminal. I hate the Lakers. I criticize the entire NBA for being a bunch of whiny bastards. And I ONLY play pick-up basketball.

PS- Allen Iverson needs to stop taking so many outside jumpers and take it to the hole.
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: attn: Robrt-Stephens

LadyJeepFreak said:
I have no desire to be on Pirate. I have visited there and they appear to me to be arrogant male a**es and I have enough of those in my real life, I don't need to visit them in my on-line time. I don't come across too many men like that on places like Jeepz so this is where I'll stay. You think you all have troubles with sites like that?? Try being a girl and using them.


Amen, lady, whomever you are. You summed it accordingly!!!
If having to skip newbie threads irritate you THAT much, then perhaps anger management is in order. I'm just amazed...they are words on a website. The scroll function takes less time than actually posting a flame.

mingez said:
Michael Jordan sucks. He's a selfish degenerate gambler. Kobe Bryant is a a criminal. I hate the Lakers. I criticize the entire NBA for being a bunch of whiny bastards. And I ONLY play pick-up basketball.

PS- Allen Iverson needs to stop taking so many outside jumpers and take it to the hole.

:lol: it was just an example. I figured everyone would know who he was :lol:
pictures from tellico this weekend

currupt4130 said:
well thank you for the time, i in no way meant to offend you if i did, just try to shed a little light. ill agree with you and the rest of the guys that emailed to apologize, you got the worst of the bunch over there that took onto your topic. there seems to be a bunch over there that swarm on anyone with a questionable question. and sorry for the criticism on the naming thing robert, it just seems a little odd to me but i guess i need to let well enough alone and not say anything about certain things. thank you for your enlightenment and im sure out of this emotional void of the internet the use of expression would convey our messages better.

You've said it perfectly and you are correct. Naming our Jeeps is an old custom, from way back at the beginning. "VEX" is from Eccls. 2:14 in the bible:

"All things are vanity and nothing is new under the sun,
and all things are vexation of spirit, and this too vexes me greatly, sayeth the preacher."

That was Solomon.

VEX is a hole in the air that I pour money and time into, serving my fun, DD, and my vanity.

Thank you for the kind post and no offense was taken at all.

Ah, the Steelhead run

mingez said:
then perhaps anger management is in order.

:roll: Been there done that :roll: .

But seriously, you have to look at it the other way too. People who get flamed should see that it's just words on a website. Things can easily be missunderstood, or....people can just be mean.

By the way, I've seemed to have survived on Pirate and I will say I've never been "flamed" and have never "flamed" anyone it is definatly possible if you just know how things work on sites like that :wink: