YJ transfer case shifter popped out...

mx racer 904

New member
just picked up this 90 YJ with a 4 cyl from the in laws...

went to shift into 4 hi...cant find it...see where it is on the knob...wont go in...

found 4 lo....but when i shifted it in...the whole lever came out...its still stuck in the boot but not in whatever slot it is suppose to be in....

The shifter connects to a lower arm. The connection is made by the upper part slipping over the lower part, and a spring-clip holds the 2 together. My guess is the spring clip is broke. Pull your boot plate off the floor, and you will see a little square hole in the back of the upper shifter arm where they meet. That hole is where the spring clip should be. If it was loose, you may have found 4 high, but it was too sloppy to tell.
just picked up this 90 YJ with a 4 cyl from the in laws...

went to shift into 4 hi...cant find it...see where it is on the knob...wont go in...

found 4 lo....but when i shifted it in...the whole lever came out...its still stuck in the boot but not in whatever slot it is suppose to be in....

Ahhh, that brought some good o'l memories back. LMAO. I was on a red light one afternoon headed home when the light turned green, shifted from neutral to 1st then second , then second to Crap, the hurst shifter stick came off. The pins was worn out and worked itself out, with my luck, the transmission housing caught the pins and i was able to find e'm sitting on top after removing the floor plate. The funniest part was the little kids in the car admiring the Jeep and watching me take off from the red light, their eyes got big when they saw the stick come off . I was hoping they thought it was a trick, but i don't think so.:cry::lol:
had the same problem with with my 95 wrangler.......where the upper arm slides into the lower there is a four way spring.....i had no spare spring but my buddy did have a welder! Our fix was just drilling through the upper arm and welding two nuts on each side of the holes and inserting two set screws.....tighten the two set screws and you will have your fix.....i have heard of people just welding the two shafts together but that could cause problems down the road if you ever needed to pull it!!!