Wish me luck


Super Moderator
Wish me luck, I'm entering a rock crawling competition on the 27th of March at our local offroad park. I'm entering the stock class which has limitations that should allow me a decent chance.

I drove one stage of the course Saturday and it was a lot of fun. I imagine the park owner will change it slightly. There are two more stages after that one, each of increasing difficulty.

I've got a lot of work to do in a week and half to get ready, and hopefully my jeep holds together for all three stages. I'm jumping up a few tire sizes, so hopefully my stock axles hold together long enough to finish. If they don't, I've got a line on bigger axles anyway. Should be a good time regardless of the outcome.

Here's the info on the comp: http://www.rorp.com/RockCrawl.html

Here's some pics of the rock trail's constructions: http://www.rorp.com/EventsPhotoAlbum/2003/03-08_RockTrailConstruction/index.htm


Good Luck!! Looks like it'll be a blast. I didn't even know you rock crawled. I thought you stuck to trails.
Have fun!
Cruise control quit working.

mingez said:
I didn't even know you rock crawled. I thought you stuck to trails.
I do stick to trails, generally :roll: The rocks are too much fun so I find myself pulled more and more towards them :twisted:

one of the most important things I have noticed from judging rock crawling competition's, Is good communication between the driver and spotter.
Nice to have a spotter thats strong as a ox too !
In the event you should have to winch, Make sure your winch weight has a good hold of the cable/rope and will not slide down into the rollers . No point of timing out.
Good Luck !
good luck bounty!!!! I hope you win it would be cool to have a champion here on jeepz.com........heck we are all champions but give us a good name would ya :wink:
Good luck!

What size tire are you bumping up to? 33 or 34?
You should be able to fit some 34" pizza cutters on there.

You should roll into the competition on 26" rims. Now then you would be making a statement on rockcrawling.
White, any tricks for keeping the cable weight in place? it's required since I'm using steel cable.

I'll be running 34"x10.5" TSL LTB's, friend of mine is letting me use his. I did pretty darn good with my 32"x11.5" TSL SX's, so the extra height should help.

Thanks all for the strong support.
Good luck. I hope your gonna post some pics afterwards. I've got a few friends who enter rock crawls, they say it's good to have some friends there with cameras following you since you'll be doing the driving.
Give your spotter a towel to throw on it. Better yet, don't get stuck.
Another tip is to have a strap or ski rope already attached to the roll bar in central location. Like on the main hoop, in the center. That way if you need help shifting weight or rocking the vehicle then your spotter can grab it and help out. It works pretty well.
Good Luck. I'll be in one that same weekend at Gray Rock, either spotting, driving or both.
BOUNTY, BOUNTY BOUNTY!! :) Ya got a cheering section, even if we arent there in person... Best of luck to you man!!

I just heard about using a ski rope today, I'm gonna do that instead of the strap I was going to use. Lighter, easier to tug on, and easier to hurl to my spotter.

I don't plan on using the winch, but you know how that goes. Luckily stage 2 is downhill so gravity will help, it's the same stage that the next level of crawlers does, going up. Probably use my old insulated coveralls or a carhart jacket.

I'll have to recruit a photographer.

Built an oilpan skid today, and next is a skid to cover the 3 body mounts under the rocker, they get hung up so easily.
Does this competition require a helmet? Most all of them do these days. I read the site and it had no mention of one.
Aren't you still sprung under? Got any skids for those u-bolts?
I hope you do well. I'm going to spray the bottom of that 14 bolt with some Pam cooking spray, fill er up with 93 Octane and hammer on it.

some sand bags with a rubber kinda grippy thing to the bottom. Having a spotter take his shirt off and throw it on the line is careless and offers no weight for protection.

Try attaching something like rubber to the contact area. (Maybe a old tire tube)

As far as damage control, Are there going to be "bonus" lines. This would be a way for a stocker to go but is not the actual trail. Usually they deduct points if you make it . It might be a unlimited class trail.