Whats up with gas prices???


Didn't it get higher back in '90 and '91, Gulf War? Anybody remember the prices?

We won't be doing much Jeepin or Boatin this summer if the prices get much higher :-x [addsig]

up here in New Brunswick Cnada gas is 85 cents per LITER :-O :-O :-O ...its getting harder and harder to fill up my jeep :-x :-x [addsig]

$1.57 a couple of days ago here in East Tennessee, I am retro fitting my old bicylce with new tubes and a seat for a wide @$$ load. lol Anyone know if there is a bicyclez.com. Tug :-D [addsig]


$1.62/gallon here in SE Oklahoma! Luckily my Jeep's on jackstands waiting for a new transmission right now. Seems like the oil companies will use any excuse (possible war, strike in South America, cold temps) to raise prices! :-x [addsig]

$1.59 here on the Eastern Shore of MD, only going to get worse when we goto war, my economics prof thinks we'll probably see prices upward of $2.00 across the country :-O The good news is that once we get that madman out of power over in iraq we'll have access to their oil again, and prices will go back down, hopefully in time for summer


Right around $1.65 for the 87 here in Fl. Getting ready to do the 2.5L engine swap...or does anyone know if the Geo Metro's 3cyl will bolt up...??? :-P [addsig]


Paid $1.56 on Sunday, Yesterday it was $1.79, today $1.76

Binghamton NY[addsig]

It's been jumping around 75-79 cents per liter here, but i guess the gov step in and said that it can't go over 80 cents here in ontario.

8-) [addsig]

That's cheap! 1.88 reg in Conneticut. Wait until we go to war with Iraq then we'll see some high gas prices. :-O [addsig]


I feel bad....I was just complaining about $1.49 (Texas) for Regular here today...it's usually cheaper here though....wish I got better mileage!!! Patti[addsig]

Yea gas prices do suck and I work at a service station, yesterday it was a $32 fill up for the old YJ kinda makes me wish might right foot didn't wiegh as much. Hopefully Saddam doesn't start his oil on fire like he's said he would do if we attack :-? [addsig]

You can blame it all on venezula...Its their oil strike that is jacking up the price right now becuase of them the US reserve is getting hit and prices are shooting up. [addsig]


If any of you have a BJs Wholesale Club near you...check that out. I get $0.20 a gallon cheaper there with the club membership.[addsig]

How is it that a gas station on one corner will have gas at $ 1.55 per gallon and a gas station less than a mile away have the gas priced at $ 1.45 per gallon, and both have the same company name.
( sounds like price gouging to me )
:-x :-x :-x

edited by: N2HUN10, Feb 11, 2003 - 02:46 PM[addsig]


How is it that a gas station on one corner will have gas at $ 1.55 per gallon and a gas station less than a mile away have the gas priced at $ 1.45 per gallon, and both have the same company name.
( sounds like price gouging to me )
:-x :-x :-x edited by: N2HUN10, Feb 11, 2003 - 02:46 PM

It is price gouging. Take a look around at the neighbor hood. The better (read we have money) neighborhoods will be higher than the should I say lower class neighborhoods.

Anyway Im really not liking seeing the prices rising right now because I am currently in Birmingham, Alabama. It ony means one thing, my trip home to Maryland is going to cost me more :-( But on a good note the YJ did good getting here with no problems :-) [addsig]

Gas here is about $1.22 a liter or about $4.50 a gallon. About half being taxes. The conservationists, want high gas prices, to protect the enviroment, the politicians use the excuse, to raise taxes, because there stature is measured in how much funds they control (there budget). And with all that money, flowing around, it´s always easier for some to stick. The gas companies like high prices, because when they raise there percentage, they have someone else to blame it on.
In other words, the percentage of personnel revenues used for transportation is increasing, while the alternate transportation system isn´t really growing much. In other words the tail is wagging the dog.
When the consumer is spending more on transportation, they are spending less on other things. It hurts other parts of the economy, by slowing sales, and raising costs by increased shipping prices. Eventually production goes down, inflation increases and everybody gets hurt. The Arabs get pissed, because all those dollars they have are worth less, and they start thinking the oil is worth more in the ground, than elsewhere.
What they never seem to offer, is alternatives, that are viable. The gas companies sure don´t want things to change. The car companies, have a system in place they don´t want to change and besides they can produce fuel efficient cars, to replace what was fuel effiecent five years ago (sell more cars) that are obsolete, before they roll of the assembly line. The government isn´t really interested in promoting alternate fuel technologies.
Government figures if the people scream loud enough, they can offer public transportation, usually years behind the curve and a token.
In other words, things are a real mess, the tail wagging the dog.
They say they need the high gas taxes, to discourage waste, and provide a transportation net work, that they are trying very hard to make obsolete. And at the same time, putting a transportation bottle neck in the economy and really the ones being hurt the most are the people working in services (60%) that usually need the transportation the most. Rich people have there name on a building, middle class have there name on there desk, low middle have there name on there shirt and poor have there name at the processors office.

WOW :lol: Gas economics by Chuck[addsig]

ok heres my question. How is it that gas stations get off raising prices before the take another shipment of gas? They only paid x amount for the gas in their tank, so why is it that the price we pay for that gas changes before they buy anymore? kind of a rip off if you ask me. Anyway, i just payed $1.64 at the cheapest place withen several miles, so in town its probably at least $1.68 or more. :-x [addsig]


Just wait til you leave work and see what the prices will be. They're already raising them again.

The way they get away with raising the prices before the tank is empty, is because gas is bought as "futures" not a finished product. Just like a piece of gold or silver.[addsig]