The OFFICIAL Random thread

I couldn't think of anything to say so I posted this picture instead. :roll:


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Went fishing this evening, when I got back home I got to talking to my neighbor whom is from Washington state. He was telling me his uncle would go fishing for sturgeon and spray his bait with a shot of wd 40,and had good luck catching fish. Anybody ever hear of such a thing?
I when fishin yesterday not I'm in the hospital with 35 stiches in my face bad car accident not my jeep but in my buddy exploer

I'm ok just got out yes its vary pain ful I would post a pic. But to grapic all the stiches are in my face around my eye just glad to be alive
Today was my lucky day.... First of all I need to tell you that I own a 95 YJ. today my daughter found on Craig's list a chrome inlay, all the chrome brush guards for all the lights, the headlights chromed frames, the whole grill for that car, a brand new bikini top for it and a extended shifter for $60 bucks.... Of course, the parts are in the garage waiting for me..... I always wanted a extra grill because I want to cut it out and rig it with round head lights.
There was 3 cars involved I got the worst of it I was ridin with what used to be a buddy and he desied to run a stop sight hit a car wich hit a truck in sittin at the hospital now wating to get surgry to get my nose fixed o good deal with the jeep part ito have a 95 yj love it but I can't drive it for right now told me I'm ganna be out of work for three weeks or longer

damn, that sucks man.

and yes, they spray wd-40 on them down here too and it works
There was 3 cars involved I got the worst of it I was ridin with what used to be a buddy and he desied to run a stop sight hit a car wich hit a truck in sittin at the hospital now wating to get surgry to get my nose fixed o good deal with the jeep part ito have a 95 yj love it but I can't drive it for right now told me I'm ganna be out of work for three weeks or longer

Yeah, some friend. I hope you heal fast.
Best of luck to ou and hopefully you heal soon. Sorry to hear that you are going to be out of work. I
Ike the idea of the friend being I used to be friend..... Who wants to hangout with someone like that any more. He almost got you killed...... Some friend. Once again, best of luck and God Bless!

I cut a 6 foot piece of rope for my cat to play with. She carries it around the house meowing and if you go near it she gets up and tries to play with it. If you move it around or fling it back and forth she goes crazy. Who knew a 5 cent piece of rope could provide so much enjoyment for an animal.