The OFFICIAL Random thread

Hey Everyone.
Yeah I'm fine, I guess my post that I was going to be gone for the weekend didnt post and all you say was take care.
I really appreciate everyone asking about me, and SuperJ texting me.
My fun weekend turned out to not be so fun.
Have a fractured ankle, and hit a deer with my F-150. Ankle and deer are two seperate accidents.
Thanks again for asking about me. Great group of people on here.
World class
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Sorry to hear about your accident but glad to hear that you are OK. I know you have a broken ankle but it could have been worse. Glad to have you back brother.
Hi ya jeepers! Been away awhile! Workin on various projects! Hey check out my latest job, custom hand painted pinstriping. Did this helmet for a client of mine.


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jeepjeep! said:
Hi ya jeepers! Been away awhile! Workin on various projects! Hey check out my latest job, custom hand painted pinstriping. Did this helmet for a client of mine.

wow looks nice

hey! im at 998 posts, im about to turn over 1000 lol i dont know why i looked but it sure doesent feel like ive posted that much lol
bugleboy said:
hey! im at 998 posts, im about to turn over 1000 lol i dont know why i looked but it sure doesent feel like ive posted that much lol

It sneaks up on you when you're having fun!