The OFFICIAL Random thread

i started my jeep today with out the clutch in... any explanation?
i started my jeep today with out the clutch in... any explanation?

You're an idiot?

j/k :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't know about the TJ, but real Jeeps (YJ and CJ) will start without pushing the clutch in. That way you can start them without a good battery.

NOTE: Not a good thing to do when it's in gear and you're in a garage. Speaking from experience there.
Little "oopsy" at the job Friday............

TemplateFall 004.jpg

TemplateFall 009.jpg
Those two long spuds are supposed to be vertical!!:shock:

No one hurt, no one fell into the river (thank God). Put a bit of a damper on the job, though.

here that guys, buy on get one he had 7. he couldnt finish the last one...:shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :purple: :purple: :purple: :purple:

Actually, I didn't redeem the coupon. But I've still got the coupon!
I was 3 sheets to the wind.
:lol: It's not how you pick your nose it's were you put the boogers.:lol:

I work for a Fortune 500 company. We've got someone in our company who parks his boogers on the "braille" signs posted throughout the building. My question is this: Does the addition of the booger change the meaning within the sign?

Note: I work in a safety sensitive area where we not only must be able to see, we also have periodic tests to ensure that we're not color blind and that our vision isn't digressing. We don't have anyone who is visually challenged to the extent that a sign would be used by them, so nobody is playing inconsiderate games with those who are sight impaired. Whomever is doing this is just nasty.

AND THE WARRIORS GO UP 3-1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's some stupid DEFENSE!



And of course, my girlfriend is a Warriors fan! My Warriors are undefeated in playoffs with her in attendance!

And all the Mav's have is Kate Hudson, who's cute, but next to a goddess like my Jessica, looks like a bulldog in a bra.

With the last 2 games being the 2 largest attendance records for a basketball event in CA...EVER, that crowd was crazy.

After 13 years of no playoffs, I'm just happy as all get out!
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i would have to agree jessica is definatly one of the sexiest women out there right now. she has the whole girl next door thing working for her roooowr!!! oh ya GO NUCKS GO!!!!

And of course, my girlfriend is a Warriors fan! My Warriors are undefeated in playoffs with her in attendance!

So, Mingez, who is the dude sitting next to your girlfriend? You might need to open up a new can of Whoop Ass.

i would have to agree jessica is definatly one of the sexiest women out there right now. she has the whole girl next door thing working for her roooowr!!! oh ya GO NUCKS GO!!!!
Girl next door? I need to move into your neighborhood!

Over 24 hours again?!? Come on, dropped the ball again. One more strike and you're banned from the Random Thread! :evil: