The OFFICIAL Random thread

In other news: I changed my underwear today, so TC and I are even up.


Not true...just because you turned them inside out doesnt mean you changed them.:p :p :p :p :p
The man law states....
first you turn them around...then fold them inside out and then turn it around...thus you get four days per pair.

Not true...just because you turned them inside out doesnt mean you changed them.:p :p :p :p :p
The man law states....
first you turn them around...then fold them inside out and then turn it around...thus you get four days per pair.

Days?!? Dang, I was thinking weeks!:shock:
Freakin' finally. My computer went down, and the only back up I had was my phone. TERRIBLE!

Stupid mother boards.
Uh... here's the best reason for being able to bear arms:


So yea, its that time of year again in college. 11:40pm as I type this, and I'm not even started yet on the 10 page paper due at 12:30pm tomorrow. Not to mention the almost entire semester's worth of work I still need to do on my online class. Plus finals next week. Plus the 100+ hours I still have to do on my internship so I can write the 10 page paper for that. I swear its people like me that keep the Monster Energy Drink company in business.

So for the last two days I have the ultimate kitchen pass....Tuesday I sent the wife to Arizona to visit dear ole mom.
Thus leaving me at home to do as I I take time off work and head to Moab early?!?! No! I stay at home clean the house one night, pulled the camping gear last night...about half way through I ask myself...what the frig is wrong with me!??!?
Kick the sleeping bag back into the shed....head inside crack open a beer and turn on the hockey game.
No one to nag at this is the perfect way to watch a hockey game.
its that whole honeydo list thing huh? I hate them. I usually get the biggest list when I am exhausted or sick. Its ok, I use it as an excuse when shes off work on the weekends.

That sucks. So did you replace the MB or just get a new computer? Good to have you back. 8)

Mother Board, only cost me 150 bucks with the install. (laptop) While I was at it, I upgraded the memory.

I swear. These things are so stinkin' unreliable. If cars were like this...well they'd be Pontiacs.
I am sitting here doing absolutely nothing on the honeydo list. Shes gonna be mad, but I don't care. I am one tired mofo.

Happy hours are great. Downtown Tavern, and 7 Vodka tonics later (buy one get one) ...I'm home and done for the night!
met a guy camping this weekend. He is retired and has a trail ready YJ and a Liberty.
They tow either of them behind their 36 foot motor home.
Turns out that he runs all the trails we like to run in Colorado.
We talked Jeepin for hours. He had just left Silverton a day or two before we arrived their this past fall.
You meet some cool people in RV parks.
Happy hours are great. Downtown Tavern, and 7 Vodka tonics later (buy one get one) ...I'm home and done for the night!

here that guys, buy on get one he had 7. he couldnt finish the last one...:shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :purple: :purple: :purple: :purple: