The OFFICIAL Random thread

South, the least you could do is Google a pic of a Civic with some guy that doesn't look like howdy doody. That guy's neither Asian nor Hispanic.

I'm thinking there's plenty of Asian dudes with modded civics on the internet. :lol:

:purple: :purple: I thought you'd like that. :D
We hit a high temp of 65 degrees yesterday!! Right now it's 26, and it isn't supposed to get much warmer than that all day, in fact, temps are supposed to keep falling through the day down into the teens.:(
We hit a high temp of 65 degrees yesterday!! Right now it's 26, and it isn't supposed to get much warmer than that all day, in fact, temps are supposed to keep falling through the day down into the teens.:(

Must be why they set the "Wizard of Oz" in Kansas!! That's some crazy weather..........

"This is a GREAT day........oops, no, I'm freezing my arse off - and Toto, too!!" :p

Was 80 a few days ago now it's back down to 50. How random is that?
Salisbury is ricer wanna be central...... I know there are actually fast cars out there, but nto around here. I even saw a guy with a riced out Hyundai Accell. Come one, that car can't get out of its own way never mind strapping all sorts of extra crap on it.

As for weather, I am freezing my cajones off. Where is all the warm weather we had all December? We want it back.
I'd like to say a few words... Box. Grapefruit. Microwave. Toaster. No, I take that one back, I'm gonna hold on to that one :D

It's a sad day for fans of Playboy and Anna Nicole Smith.....NOT!
Must be why they set the "Wizard of Oz" in Kansas!! That's some crazy weather..........

"This is a GREAT day........oops, no, I'm freezing my arse off - and Toto, too!!" :p

Or there are more per capita midgets...excuse me, "Little People" in that state.

Or there are more per capita midgets...excuse me, "Little People" in that state.

Speakin' of that.........mudwoman and I just purchased a movie called "Freaks" (after seeing it on TCM). Google it and check it out!! Has several people in it that were also "munchkins"!!!! It's definitely a classic!!!!

do the Lions back in reverse and send us the pics..:shock: