The OFFICIAL Random thread

superj said:
Take your child to the doctor's if it's been that many days. Strep throat running rampant for too long can give you rheumatic heart disease, if I remember right. I know it can give you something to do with your heart but I don't remember exactly if it's RHD or some other heart disease. Either way, tithe doctor's you should go

I took him Wednesday and got him on antibiotics but they don't seem to be kicking in. If he wakes up in the morning still having a fever then we'll go back right away. It usually doesn't take more than 24 hours to start getting better, so now I'm concerned about something additional going on. My friend's daughter was sick for most of November trying to kick the same type of thing.

superj said:
when it happened to me, i had to get a shot and the medication

He got two shots in the legs a while ago, super-antibiotic, a different prescription, an inhaler and a chest x-ray to confirm the pneumonia. I thought so... :-(

I had pneumonia when I was 10 for almost 3 weeks. It sucked but at that age I just saw it as I didn't have to go to school. When your parents repeatedly tell you to put your jacket on when your outside and it is cold, you should probably listen, just saying.
dang, pneumonia, that sucks

It must not be too bad, and/or the double shots he got REALLY kicked in. He asked me a little bit ago if he could go ride his bike outside, and is mad at me because I said no, he could just go get some fresh air. The inhaler seems to be doing wonders already. He's a trooper.

It must not be too bad, and/or the double shots he got REALLY kicked in. He asked me a little bit ago if he could go ride his bike outside, and is mad at me because I said no, he could just go get some fresh air. The inhaler seems to be doing wonders already. He's a trooper.

so hows the kid? doing better?
so hows the kid? doing better?

Yes, he's better - thanks for asking! Aside from being nauseated by the antibiotics, he's doing well. The doctor was very pleased with his progress Monday and said he could go back to school Tuesday. His friends were really excited to see him getting on the bus - made him feel really good. :-)
Alabama was the first state to recognize Christmas as an official holiday. This tradition began in 1836.

The last state to declare Christmas as a national holiday was Oklahoma in 1907.

It is physically impossible for a pig to look up at the sky.

The anatomy of their neck does not allow that movement. The only way they could see the sky is when laying on their side or back.
The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one mile in every five must be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of war or other emergencies.