The OFFICIAL Random thread

Your nose grows all through out your life.

We all have something in common with Pinocchio.
To escape the jaws of a crocodile, push your thumbs into its eyes - it will release you instantly....Unless you have no thumbs left cause the croc already ate them!
The idea that "the Boogey Man will get you" comes from the Boogey people, who still inhabit an area of Indonesia. These people still act as pirates today, and attack passing ships.
Not so "made up" now, is he?
Sorry kids

My personal favorite being a pilot:
The US interstate highway system requires that one mile in every five be straight. These straight sections function as airstrips in times of war and other emergencies.
JeepsterinBolivia said:
My personal favorite being a pilot:
The US interstate highway system requires that one mile in every five be straight. These straight sections function as airstrips in times of war and other emergencies.

For real???

if you were a hot dog and you were starving to death would you eat yourself
can anyone tell me what kind of jeep this is?:???:


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The Space Shuttle Orbiter stack on the pad, at T-0, comes up to full power with the liquids all ready burning for 6 sec, and when the solids light, to full thrust in 1.5 seconds. All 76 million HP of it. For 2.1 sec, the whole vehicle sits in the air once the 16 6" hold down bolts blow, and sits there on its own thrust, balanced up right, then, begins to move upwards.

It then goes through 6.2 million pounds of fuel in 2.43 Seconds after launch. It accelerates from 0 to 17,580 MPH in 7:49 sec. The fastest, largest, most powerful thing man has ever built.

Go For Throttle Up! (No..............chit!!!)

Scaled Dynamics

Yes, it is known as the Eisenhower Interstate system, but it is just myth:
Interstate Highway System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I know a guy who once landed a small plane on a section of I196. They lost oil presure & had to find a spot to put it down in a hurry. Traffic was light enough that they were able to land between groups of cars without hitting anyone or being hit. Both he & the other person on board were experienced pilots & qualified as pilot instructors.
there was a pilot that landed a small plane on i-80 about 40 miles west of salt lake city. i know planes can be landed on them, but a commercial jet is too heavy for the pavement. im sure a military fighter would be able to land but then there are always bridges to watch out for.
This would wake me up just knowing where ti came from.
Regurgitated by a Weasel Coffee Beans - Made from coffee beans that are regurgitated by weasels. The beans are then harvested (picked up) to make this fine flavored coffee.

This would wake me up just knowing where ti came from.
Regurgitated by a Weasel Coffee Beans - Made from coffee beans that are regurgitated by weasels. The beans are then harvested (picked up) to make this fine flavored coffee.
i heard of some other type of coffee or fruit that is eaten by an animal and people have to pick it out of the animals feces and it is sold. it apparently can go for a lot of money too.
extra-medium said:
i heard of some other type of coffee or fruit that is eaten by an animal and people have to pick it out of the animals feces and it is sold. it apparently can go for a lot of money too.

I tried some of it when I went to New York, it's called Kopi Luwak, and was about $30 a cup!! It's from a small cat-like animal called a civet.

Ian Davis said:
Alalalalala..........BOOM! You've all been attacked by achmed the cyber terrorist


I appologigize if this is affencive to anyone, it Is not meant in any racial or religious insulting manor

would it be considered jeeper blasfemy to put 20" chrome rims on a classic jeep cerca 70's era? would this be accepted or punished? frown upon or set for a public flogging? what if it looks really good and is lifted more than 6"?