Here is a random question. Why do some off road parks require flags?
As we are such a united nations of drivers some of use use our country flag or our favourite sports team while others have made flags with the Icon of their Nic names or web avitars
Has anyone packed up their family and moved 2500 miles away from home? I have a perfect opportunity to take a job in Arizona doing as close to my dream job as I can get, but I currently live in North Cackalacki!
Congratulations!! Now about the Sky diving, i would be required to wear a Man Diaper. I'd poop all the way down and probbably forget to pull the shute string cause i'll be squinting while trying to prevent the poop from flying out of my pants.This job entails skydiving, and a lot of it, among other things. I would be a contractor with the military, basically doing what I did in the Army, but getting paid a little better.
By the way, we found out this morning our new baby that is due in June is a girl!
congratulations i have a little girl on the way too. i have always said i don't see the point of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.