The OFFICIAL Random thread

If the job is deemed dangerous, let the wife do it


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Here is a random question. Why do some off road parks require flags?

It could be the same reason as we have here in the Middle East

We advise all 4x4 coming into the desert with us to have a flag on a pole. This is purely for visability so we dont have 2 cars stuck in the same sand bowl making the recovery even more difficult. The rule being if you dont see the flag moving in front of you, you dont move. At night time we replace the flags for "Glow Sticks"

Most of us have fishing rods attached to our 4x4, as these make excellent flag posts that can be collapsed when not needed. As we are such a united nations of drivers some of use use our country flag or our favourite sports team while others have made flags with the Icon of their Nic names or web avitars


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There is only two ways to argue with a woman.... and niether of them work
Has anyone packed up their family and moved 2500 miles away from home? I have a perfect opportunity to take a job in Arizona doing as close to my dream job as I can get, but I currently live in North Cackalacki!
Has anyone packed up their family and moved 2500 miles away from home? I have a perfect opportunity to take a job in Arizona doing as close to my dream job as I can get, but I currently live in North Cackalacki!

Not 2500 miles but more like 700. I moved my wife, 6 year old and dog away from 5 grandparents and bunches of other relatives and friends to a city where we know no one. It feels like 2500 miles sometimes but I don't regret it for a minute. For us, the opportunity was there and we knew that if we didn't do it now that life would get in the way and we never would. If your family is up for it then do it and don't look back.

Not 2500 miles here either, just 1200. Got the chance to move to a Dream Place and a Job. took the Pay cut and moved on. now i'm back up to what i was making in Las Vegas. Me and my family loves it here in the Hill Country of Texas.
This job entails skydiving, and a lot of it, among other things. I would be a contractor with the military, basically doing what I did in the Army, but getting paid a little better.

By the way, we found out this morning our new baby that is due in June is a girl!
Fifty years have been good to me I guess. I still have all my body parts and they're all doin' their jobs. I've got decent employment and a family to come home to. My ZJ is giving me guff right now, but I can handle it. I hope the good lord can be as merciful when it comes to the years ahead. I pray for my kids and their future. It is wise to seek the lord.:shades:
This job entails skydiving, and a lot of it, among other things. I would be a contractor with the military, basically doing what I did in the Army, but getting paid a little better.

By the way, we found out this morning our new baby that is due in June is a girl!
Congratulations!! Now about the Sky diving, i would be required to wear a Man Diaper. I'd poop all the way down and probbably forget to pull the shute string cause i'll be squinting while trying to prevent the poop from flying out of my pants.:cry::cry: I'll keep my job..:lol::lol:

Skydiving isnt that bad. You dont get the falling sensation you do if you, say, jump off of a cliff. Basejumping, you will get that feeling. I still have jumped out of almost every plane I have been in, except my commercial flights to and from Germany, Korea, Basic, and AIT. I detest landing in a plane.
Fart Football

An old married couple no sooner hit the pillows when the old man passes
gas and says, 'Seven Points.'

His wife rolls over and says, 'What in the world was that?'

The old man replied, 'It's fart football.'

A few minutes later his wife lets one go and says 'Touchdown, tie

After about five minutes the old man lets another one go and says, 'Aha.
I'm ahead 14 to 7.'

Not to be outdone the wife rips out another one and says, 'Touchdown,
tie score.'

Five seconds go by and she lets out a little squeaker and says, 'Field
goal, I lead 17 to 14 .' Now the pressure is on the old man.

He refuses to get beaten by a woman, so he strains real hard. Since
defeat is totally unacceptable, he gives it everything he's got, And
accidentally ****s in the bed.

The wife says, 'What the hell was that?'

The old man says, 'Half time, switch sides.':cry::lol::shock:

congratulations i have a little girl on the way too. i have always said i don't see the point of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.
congratulations i have a little girl on the way too. i have always said i don't see the point of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.

There is no such thing. When I was in Korea, we jumped out of CH-47's (Chinook). If it didnt have hydraulic oil leaking somewhere, we didnt jump. I havent jumped in a few years, but I still would rather jump out of a plane then land in it.

Congrats on the little girl. We picked a name out, and it will be...............
Addisyn Grace.