The Jeep wave...

i tried jeep waving this weekend. only one guy in another sahara that looked identical to mine waved back. no one else did.

i have been thinking about hwy it could be that only wrangler people really wave back and i wonder if its because wranglers are open topped so you can see hte people waving? maybe since cherokees and grands and all the rest are enclosed, most people don't see the others waving? sounds plausible to me

i tried jeep waving this weekend. only one guy in another sahara that looked identical to mine waved back. no one else did.

i have been thinking about hwy it could be that only wrangler people really wave back and i wonder if its because wranglers are open topped so you can see hte people waving? maybe since cherokees and grands and all the rest are enclosed, most people don't see the others waving? sounds plausible to me

It does not matter with the wrangler if the roof is on or off.You will always see atleast the fingertips come off the top of the wheel for a little wave to passing Jeeps.Only time you dont notice it is heavy rain or the sun right in your eyes.
When the top is off or the window open, I extend my hand out at an angle below the mirror. I figure it kind of differentiates from a high five typical wave. When closed in I wave over the steering wheel, pretty much like any other wave. I get mixed results with Wranglers the most likely to respond. Not many others even seem to be looking.
Had to post back to this and apologize to all JK owners. Recently returned from exploring Maine in search of Moose (didn't see any - will be back) and must say that the Jeep waves were about 80% wave......many, many of them initiated by JK owners!!!!! Maybe it's just Maine, but there's hope!!! Great trip and many, many Jeeps...........80% waving!!!!

Waved at a guy the other day with a jeep like mine all I got was flipped off.
xt master said:
Get a windshield banner that says "Its a Jeep thing! WAVE"

Yea but most people driving the new 4 door jeeps are too busy talking on their cell phones and heading to soccer practice.
We had plenty of waves from both jeepers and enthusiasts during our annual Christmas parade this last weekend. All the jeeps were hitched up together to get the train effect while zigzagging. The Jeep on the very front pulled all 18 jeeps.


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Pretty Sweet Mikey! Wished they would do stuff like that around here. That lead Jeep must have had some horses under the hood to pull the whole gang! The pics are great!