stole everthing but my jeep


New member
some bastard went through my rear window and took everthing even my wallet which was locked in the center cosole. they broke it open. I just put my soft top on yesterday.

:oops: Dude that is horrible, I am so sorry to hear that. I thought I was always the unlucky one in life. Think someone was casing your Jeep?

looking for a wheeling budy

some people are scumbags man. Ya never think it would happen to you until it does..i remeber when somebody cut my windows..not even unzip them...the easy way. nothing was really in mine worth anything. really sucks though sorry to hear
sounds like a crack addict hard up for some cash... I have worked with a couple of people like that, they will do anything to get the next high. Sorry to hear it dude.

I thought I was always the unlucky one in life

Something I always say "There is no such thing as luck... That's why we don't have any"
Sorry dude. I know kind of how you feel. I had some punks throw a baseball sized rock through my windshield on my XJ once. I had gone into my girlfriend's place for about 30 min and came back out to find the mess. The damage to the paint and windshield cost over 1200 bucks, and I was out 500 for the deductible. I wanted to catch the guy so bad!

What kind of console was it?

I could make a lot of money selling a bumper sticker that reads "Take What You Will, But Please Don't Cut My Top" :lol:
That stinks man. Sorry to hear it. Make sure you do fill out a police report. You never know - I remember some kids from my high school getting busted for breaking into cars. Maybe they'll get careless and get caught! Again, sorry to hear it.

Thats why I dont keep anything valuable in my jeep.And always leave the doors unlocked.

dude that stinks, fill out a report, I got luck they caught the scumbag that broke into mine a month later.
Thats why I dont keep anything valuable in my jeep.And always leave the doors unlocked.
Last summer miss purple was broken into, and my doors didnt lock so luckly I found her with no damage, but the bastard stole all my cd's and my B&M shifter!!!!!!!!! :roll:
I hope you filed a report and the police had a chance to check it out before you touched anything. When I called I just wanted them to know it was happening in the naighborhood, so they could keep an eye out. But the cop was sooo mad at me for going thru it before he got there, he said there was nothing he could do cause I touched everthing. So im guessing they actually fingerprint if nessasary.
Good luck

That sucks Dude!

If you need help when you find the guy, I don't have great aim, but I can pistol whip with the best of them!!

I have been broken into a bunch of times, it sucks.
15x8 Rims 5x4.5 AR Silver Nitro's

Some douche bag did the same to me the other day while parked at school. There's a bunch of freshmen potheads that hang out near where I park and one of the little pricks got in my jeep and took apart my cb and emptied out my console. I would love to walk up one day and find em in it, then they would get to know my friend lead pipe real well.
The trooper finger printed but they only touched the zipper which is grooved and the plastic in a tj is all bumby and doesent hold prints well. If they tried to steel my jeep thay would have taken off gotten death wobble and ran as fast as they could away. I have got to get it fixed waiting for my new parts

LOL after death wobble experiance they would have never touched another Jeep HA HA HA That crap is SCARY.