stole everthing but my jeep

I have been broken into many times and had two failed attempts at stealing my old Grand C (the dummies would set off the factory alarm after breaking the window). A few months back some winos chunked a rock over the fence at work and caved in my door pillar by the windshield on my 'burb. They won't be back though. One has a limp due to a 4D Mag Lite.

The best (or worst) theft story I have ever heard, happened to a guy I know from back home. He just had his old Scrambler Rhino lined, a new balanced and blueprinted motor, new paint job, new 35" boggers and had it waiting at a local shop to get a D44's slung under there. It was stolen from the shop and driven a few miles down the road. The punks ran off the road and into a ditch. They burned up the 8274 trying to get it out and got pissed and lit it on fire. The cops found it with a burned up engine, melted Rhino lining, two melted boggers and generally trashed. They never found the thiefs and the shop didn't help him out any with the repairs.
They may as well have shot his dog too.
Ahhhhhh I think I just puked a little after hearing that one. If that happened to me I'd have to say screw lead pipes and maglites and op for a 12 guage. After that I wanna hear a happy ending like someone caught the SOB red handed.

About 6-8 months after my previously described incident, I was driving down the road and something smacked my windshield really hard. Scared the crap out of me. I looked in the rear view mirror and there were these kids throwing rocks at cars from behind some bushes. It was a really busy road and if somebody swerved there would surely be an accident. Well, you can imagine that given my recent damage I was none too pleased. I had no idea if my XJ was damaged or not, but I pulled a U turn, got out of the car and chased them down. They all hopped on their bikes and fled, but I was mad as hell and caught up with them on foot. I corralled them into an apartment garage. They were like 12-13 years old and all started crying so I used a few choice words and left. My XJ was fine and I am pretty certain those little punks won't throw rocks at cars again. Man that felt good, even if they were barely teenagers.
JeepDude sorry to hear your problem. I have a 00 xj and I had the local stereo shop hook up an LED to start blinking when I hit my power locks. I think its hooked up to a relay and the LED is mounted on the steering column and works as a great deteriant to thieves. It only cost $30 Might be a good idea for you.