Steering box trouble


Active member
My beloved '05 TJ has developed a leak in the steering box where the steering shaft goes into the box it's self... what do I do?

at this point, you could try the stop leak stuff,lucas, stp, or half a doz others...but your best bet is R&R the gearbox and have done with it. You might be getting some flex in the gear box from your frame rail. A good gear box brace might be in your future.
There was an article a while back in January '08 in Four Wheeler magazine about the bench rebuilding of Saginaw steering boxes Saginaw Steering Box Rebuild - Four Wheeler Magazine

'Betty' had a similar leak as yours and as it turned out I wanted to upgrade her lower end steering components as I'd come into some money after tax season. Got a heavy duty steering box mount and heavy duty pitman arm from Sam's Offroad (check their site there's some interesting reviews) Took the works to a local shop as I'm sure the alignment was off as well. After these parts went in and a rebuilt Saginaw box this thing steers easily with just a finger, and track is so straight I can do the "look Mom, no hands" (although I never do).
On my 05 it's not a Saginaw box. Mine looks like a Mercedes box. Getting parts for it has been a worry in the back of my mind since day one. -John