some things i have seen recently and an iphone question


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i figured i have seen some cool trucks recently and thought i would post some pics up for you guys.






oh ya, this beetle was on the window when i went to soccer. its a cotton borer beetle. largest beetle species in north america, is what google said

now, on to the phone deal. i bought a used iphone3 to screw around with in preparation of the iphone5 coming out, you know, learn jail breaking and all the fun stuff. anyways, this one i bought was already jail broken and worked fine on t-mobile, my carrier. well, i thought i would try restoring it factory settings so i could do the breaking myself. well, it didn't go so good. i googled how to do the deed and followed it as well as i thought i could and when i got to the actual restoring part, no go. i get error after error. i follow the apple support deal on what to do for each error and when it finally stops, it ends at i cannot down grade to a lower firmware/ software. the only thing is, i am using the latest one out by apple, ios 4.3 or 4.2, i don't remember but its the last one for the 3g model iphone.

so, what do you guys say about how to fix this deal?

I don't think you can downgrade the firmware on the iphone. I've tried doing the same on my sons iphone 3g but with no success. I ended up replacing the entire motherboard from an ebay deal i won. When you reset, does the screen get stuck on the apple logo?. BTW, i like those FJ's and the truck is pretty awesome. Not sure about that petrified kid though. Looks like he's gonna be suffering from a traumatic experience on bugs.
Hey. Green poison is coming out with the 4.3 jail break very soon. And green poison is very easy. I love those landcruisers. I actually own one with a diesel in it.


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When you jail break you get licked into the latest update

You lose the ability to back up and restore your phone

That said if you jail break it you can also get the whole world for free but the apps aren't certified by apple and more often then not carry viruses.

If your safe your golden but if you don't read all of the explanation and don't have Internet common sence you will lose all your data to a virus and then you will not have a back up

If you jail break your next iPhone be careful cause it is very easy to loose everything

I had my 3GS broken just so I could use t mobile but since then I ditched jailbreaking

It's just not worth it

What I would do if I were you is keep the 3 jail broken then buy a new one don't

Then use the first for fun and unimportant junk that you are okay loosing, but keep the other as your main

When I get the 5 (or 4gs more likely) I am also buying an iPod to jail break

But that's just me

this is just a learning phone because once t-mobile gets the iphone then i won't have to jailbreak.

all i know on this one is that it gets stuck at the screen that has a usb and the i tunes sign when i plug it in. if i don't plug it in, nothing happens at all. but now, when i plug it in, it causes the usb hub on the laptop to stop and i lose all usb usage also. i've had to fix that about 4 times now
a diesel landcruiser, like yours, would be badass!!

and jarrod, my son in the pic, loves that beetle. he took it to school with him and carries it around everywhere now.
ok guys, i screwed up more then the iphone. i was doing that hold the power and home button till the phone shuts off and then keep holding the home for another 30 seconds deal and the laptop started messing up. now, i get an error anytime i try and hook anything to the usb plugs. nothing reads from the usb anymore, trackball, walkman, memory cards, nothing

Did I not say that broken iPhones carry viruses and to not plug them into your computer AT ALL?

I thought I did.

I don't think Tmobile is getting the iPhone, at least anytime soon

I am switching to AT&T

And about your computer

1 restart
2 if it isnt fixed then try and install a shortcut to your USB plugs from the options page (I have only ever installed USB shortcuts when they are being read)

3 go somewhere see if they know what to do, (if its bestbuy or apple ir anything it would be risky to mention the jail break they might turn you down but there are countless small town computer shops that can help you. have them remove your hard drive then reboot your computer

4 reinstall hard drive see it's fixed

If not try to back up your hard drive online (would be cheaper to a base but if you can't use your USB drives that might be difficult. If you dont have too much important stuff then email yourself pictures and important documents). With this method you don't have to worry about your iTunes as long as you know your username and password.

Then reboot hard drive reinstall email and programs like iTunes etc... Then download things back off your emails that you sent yourself and the problem should be fixed now.

I would get professional help before trying this though, you may be overlooking something small that will fix everything no hassle and pretty cheap that they may know to look for.

If you tell anyone about the jail break you should be ready for your hands to be slapped but as long as you dont have illegal apps (which the previous ownermay have) they can't take legal action

Also as a final note holding down the two buttons is an excellent way to REBOOT your iPhone AKA UN-JAIL BREAK

Don't do it.
I reread your post and understand better now

You unjail broke and your computer doesn't recognize it, what I said above stands as true but you will have to turn the phone back on via a computer that recognizes it,

I would try holding the two buttons again bit I don't know much mire about your situation
It spiraled quickly down hill from the usb not working to other things stopping and I was barely able to get recent things off the hard drive, including yj fsm!!!

I did a wipe and reinstall of the op

I hope you didn't lose to much, sorry about all that

Jail break really is more trouble then it's worth, you will have to re-break it to use with t-mobile. I don't think that Tmobile will get it soon, it may be easier to wait out your contract then just get AT&T
The only thing I was worried about was the fsm. Everything important is on disk already. I had read that tmobile was on the list for 2011 to get the iphone, is why I was thinking it would show up but if not, we have at&t also, on the wife's iphone 3gs. The reason I hope tmobile gets it is at&t is about 10 bucks more then tmobile, and I have unlimited everything on both accounts. (And that is with my gov discount on at&t and no discount with tmobile)
Do check for Verizon since they have it also, Verizon was supposed to get it a year and a half before they did is why I doubt that T-mobile will get it soon but there is always a chance right

verizon is not really good around here for service. if you want to stay in touch here, you have to have at&t or tmobile. especially in the hill country by my parent's. here, in south south texas, there are spots where my friends with verizon won't have any signal for almost an hour at a time. with tmobile and at&t, we can get reception most of hte area that verizon is missing.

but, onto the experience.

i couldn't get windows to load onto the laptop again. i tried vista and xp and neither will run. i did a full repartition and load with both and nothing. i tried ubuntu 8 and it loaded so i am running that on my toshiba with the upgrades to ubuntu 11 (or whatever natty norwhale is). so now, my house is totally windows free. in order to run itunes now, i will have to download wine and run it through that and hope it works.
I don't know if you've used it before, but vmware player is free. I run itunes in a virtual machine (running windows xp) and couldn't be happier.

Sent from my DROID2 using Jeepz

i have been reading on running stuff in virtual set ups. not being so computer literate, i have to find the exact instructions on how to do that kind of stuff. i know lots of people have not been able to run itunes in wine though but i will look into that vmware player.

i bought a new iphone so i don't have to mess with any issues another person might have had