Scubadude's Jeep Build - 2007 Wrangler JK

I drilled holes in the mirror relocators i talked about in earlier posts. Inserted a pin and now have a quick detach pin. I did it to keep em from rotating cus the crappy design on the aftermarket brackets but i like being able to take mirrors off so easily. Pics to come
swapped out my Pro Comp shocks to some Ranchos. Kept the old springs though. put on some beaded seat covers cause I'm CRAZY. pictures to come

How do you like the Ranchos compared to the Pro Comps? I ran Pro Comps around 15 years ago, and they were pretty rough.
The Ranchos are awesome. The pro comps were definitely too stiff.

In other news I muffed up my front end pretty good. My axle has been in an axle shop for about a week and a half now. I ordered a new bumper too. Pics to come

It's the rugged ridge XHD modular bumper. I ordered the bull bar and tube endcaps as well.
Here's the new bumper

These mods definately void the manufactures warranty . Too bad , that's what they get for selling it to a four wheeler . Yuppies could go drive a Mini Cooper , we drive jeeps and we use them . I totally dig the front armor and I side with you to mount a winch. There's been discussion recently on winches but for your JK , theft deterrent should also be a consideration. Good to be prepared .

I've decided to not go with a winch. For me a high-lift can accomplish anything I'd need a winch to do. I'm throwing a chain and a come-a-long in the back too.
Oh no doubt, but I get off road very few times a year and if you're not offroading very often some purchases can go to waste. I don't think that right now my amount of offroading warrants a winch

I finally installed that roof rack. This will make it easier to move that kayak. One day a roofrack tent would be sweet. It's slowly coming together


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