Roofbar spotlight wire routing


New member
I have a couple of 55w rectangular spotlights that I plan to fit to the front roofbar.

What is the best way to route the wiring, do I have to drill a hole in the roof :shock: or could I just feed it through the door, the Jeep is black so I could use black waterproof electrical tape ? :-|

You can buy "waterproof" grommets that fit inside a drilled hole and secure the wire. Rubber Grommets from The Rubber Group If sized correctly, you "should" have no leaks. They make for a good, clean install but I think I would maybe put a dab of black RTV when threading the wire in just in case. From there, fish the wire through the headliner and down the a-piller (sp?). I good stiff wire and some patience will get it across the headliner and to the a-piller (again, sp?).
By the way, you might check a hardware store first for the grommets, and work the job according to what is available locally rather than ordering on-line, although I can't see shipping being much at all for a couple of them.
You can buy "waterproof" grommets that fit inside a drilled hole and secure the wire. Rubber Grommets from The Rubber Group If sized correctly, you "should" have no leaks. They make for a good, clean install but I think I would maybe put a dab of black RTV when threading the wire in just in case. From there, fish the wire through the headliner and down the a-piller (sp?). I good stiff wire and some patience will get it across the headliner and to the a-piller (again, sp?).

X2. BTW,(A-Pillar):D

Thanks Steely...I typed it both ways several times and neither looked right I pick one and ran with it! Either way it was better than "that thingy that has the "o-sh*t" handle on it". :beer: