really hot burnt smell, axle bearing, caliper??


New member
I drove my jeep home this afternoon after work and it seemed to be pulling one way and when i braked the other way, really odd, drove fine this morning.. I get home and get out and something smells very hot and burnt, near front drivers area. So i open the hood and check exhaust and in doing so i could smell the burnt really hot smell again closer to the wheel, so i tough the wheel in the center and WOW its hot.. My guess is caliper was stuck, but im not sure if there could be a axle bearing issue?? I then drove the jeep to eat and after we parked i touched it and it was still warm/hot, but no burnt smell.. then we drove it back home and it wasnt hot at all and no pulling either, what gives?? Am I on track with a brake, caliper issue, or could there be a axle bearing issue? both?? what should i look for, I know the front brake pads still have plenty of life left??? thoughts, ideas, ????

from sounds of what your telling us yes i would say most likly seized calipar
Jack up the wheel in question and feel the turning resistance compared to the opposite wheel. Check the rotor for heat discoloration. The blue color would be indicative of a seizing brake caliper. Remove the wheel and the caliper . Spin the hub by hand and see if there's noticable grinding or seizing. If the Caliper is at fault, i would recommend you replace the brake hose as well.
Seized caliper on driver's side, usually aggravated by driving in mud. You can remover the caliper and push the piston in with a c-clamp, it may or may not seize again.

Just curious, not sure how much a caliper cost, would it be worth it just to replace them, or is there a way that i can clean them up and then put some lube of some sort to keep it moving free, also the jeep really doesnt go off road, im not much for mud or rock crawling, i keep it fairly clean. If the parts are cheap probably better to just buy new, but if i can clean them up that would be awesome.


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Depending on how many miles are on it I would replace.From the sounds of it unstuck itself since the last time it did not get hot.Mine sticks fro mtime to time,but I do play in the mud.