

New member
I have a radar detector in my XJ to save me from the speed trap I have to drive through on my way to work. Today the thing kept going off at full strength for about 10 min, with no cops in sight. The only thing I could think of is that there was this Lexus/Acura/fancy soccer-mom-mobile SUV behind me. If it has that new high-end automatic slow down feature, would it be making my radar detector go off? I know those things use radar of some sort, but I wouldn't think they would make it work on the same frequencies. Anybody else ever have this? If this is the cause, I guess that will make radar detectors moot in a couple years...

i threw out my radar detector after a month of having it..mine beeped for no reason..never any police in sight when it went off..i always thought maybe they was on a nearby highway or road..'eh. only thing i liked about my detector was it told me to buckle my safty belt when i started the jeep. heh
Could the popo have been behind you for those 10 minutes?

I'd suggest getting your money back for the radar detector and slowing down, they're pretty ineffective with laser and with radar 'instant-on'.
Could be those new SUV brake lights.Those make my brothers go off all the time.Does your radar tell you what band is coming?Like KA means cops and X means like, automatic grocery market front doors.Why do you have a radar in your jeep?I dont need one,my jeep is already really slow. :lol: Sully

I wish my old CJ would go fast enough to need a R/D heheehe Only place it would ever be needed is in school crossings! tug :wink:
Nah, there were definitely no cops behind me. I knew you guys would give me a hard time for having one... I picked it up because I got a ticket for going 5 over on my way to work one time (40 in a 35) and the cops love to hide in this one town I drive through. I figured it might help me be vigilant while I waited for my "supervision" to expire. 2 speeding tickets would be just my luck and make being insured costly. It actually worked pretty good, but the sound stopped working just about the exact day the warranty expired. Now it just has the light, so I use it like a gauge on the dash.
I have one in my daily driver because I hate surprises.
I need one in the Jeep, but those suction cups won't stick without the windshield! (speeding would be the least of my violations)

cops love to hide in this one town I drive through

in NY, cops are not allowed to hide... here, to get a legal reading, the cop must be visible in sight of the driver

i hate radar detectors... if it is a laser/radar detector, it is a little more useful... but as bounty said... a lot have "instant on" radars which will make your detector go off AS you are beign clocked...

some highway cops around here are dickheads... they will hide their car, stand on the side of the highway, and point their radar gun at oncoming traffic.... that is a REALLY good way to cause accidents... if you are driving down the highway, and suddenly see a cop pointing something at you... many people have an instinct to swerve or duck to avoid being shot
I have only seen one laser here in Bama. They use it standing on an overpass and when you cross under they have several police cars lined up on the other side waiting to pursue.
Motorcycle cops are the worst. I have seen them sitting in the end of people's driveways (pretty sure that's not legal).

On an unrelated story: I hunt a friends piece of property that is roughly 5000 acres. Three of us hunt there and we have had many problems from dog hunters and poachers. The land owner met the new game warden a few weeks ago and let them set up a sting operation on one of our hay fields. It was pretty entertaining watching them bust people shooting deer at night. They had a mechanical deer with a moving head and tail.
The first guy they busted fired a shot about 45 minutes after dark. When the deer didn't drop, he hauled A$$. They pulled him over a half mile down the road and busted him. He must have been in a hurry because he was towing a bass boat and had littered the road with lifejackets as he fled. BTW they confiscate property here. Meaning they got his gun, Silverado pickup, boat and all the contents of each. Serves them right for being ignorant.

Nope. same rules in GA but these rules also apply to tresspassing on "Army Corps of Engineers" Property.
Do you know from personal experience?
They will give it back to you if you show up at the auction with your check book and buy it back.
After taking your Rigs and the HEAFTY fine you get I don't think you will be out there with your Checkbook. but I am pretty sure they will not hessitate to take more of your money.

::Edit:: they will also Move on you. Sometime they will take your rig and auction it in Maine just to make sure no one sees their ride again and starts some crap with the new legal owner.

I drive with the theory that if you stay at or under 9 mph above the speed limit you probably wont get pulled over - at least around here. If you do, it's alot easier to go into court and have a judge cut you some slack if your doing 64 in a 55 compared to doing 70-75 and having had a radar detector (might as well just eat it in that case).
around here... it just depends on where you are... there is a 30 zone in town here that all the cops will allow up to 50 in
2 words: cruise control (or slow down) set it at the limit an no worries..... no need to speed, you might save a minute on your commute, is it worth it?

We're heading for russia!

graewulf said:
no need to speed, you might save a minute on your commute, is it worth it?
I agree, on a 20-minute drive you may save a minute or two. How many minutes of work did it take to pay for the radar detector or a $75 ticket?

I've found that if you cut your average top speed by 5 or 10 mph you will see a huge increase in gas milage. You'd be surprised at what a 10mph change in top speed will do to fuel consumption in a rolling brick we call jeep.

Don't feel like we're coming down on you, you simply started this thread. We're discussing this and getting the info out there, nothing personal.