question smoked starter


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smoked my starter
do i need to reverse my battery and starter connects on my solenoid, pic attached
the white was on the "s" stud went to start connect on ignition switch
the red was on the "i" stud went to ignition connect on ignition switch
the red cable went to battery and was on right pole also has the red 10ga that goes to the battery connect on ignition switch
the black cable went to starter and was on the left pole
the yellow is from alt and splices at the battery connect at ignition switch


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not saying its wrong but on mine, the black and red are on opposite big poles. all the big poles are is a switch pole that the little wire from the ignition flips a pole across.
As superj stated in his reply , the battery + appears crossed with the starter cable. Normally , a solenoid mounted with prongs up and studs horizontal , the battery+ will attach to closest stud and starter cable to closest stud. Replacement solenoids may be marked differently than OEM, but you should be able to follow the same hookup . If not certain for any reason , disconnect starter cable and connect a voltmeter to open stud and engine block for ground . Should read infinity as no voltage should be present. Turn key to start and battery voltage should be present . That will be the correct stud for the starter . This test will also confirm solenoid is working properly as battery voltage coming in and going to correct terminals for proper operation. All other connections with exception of solenoid wire , which will go to S post as you have it , that draw voltage (ignition) or add voltage (alternator) will go to stud on battery + side.
In my last repy to this post , I failed to make a somewhat important point . As statedby superj , the studs only make contact electrically when solenoid wire is energized in start position, thereby carring no voltage across any other time. Crossing cables should have no effect to the starter burn up if internal coil is not engaged . Connections electrically only made with battery + to ign. and alt. wires at one stud . If stater burned up , further diagnostics is needed . Possible faulty internal coil of solinoid ?

Wondering if the internal coil in the solenoid has been leaking minute voltage to the starter cable , causing the starter to continually receive minimal voltage and cause starter to overheat .
I have seen bad solenoids and I think it is a possibility to consider. A test for voltage draw to determine if voltage is leaking to starter with solenoid disengaged would show if solenoid is defective. Something caused the starter to burn up , this is one place to look. Post when you can.
As far as the "load post" (heavy battery cable or solenoid to starter) go, it makes no difference. I'm not sure as to want type of Jeep you have? When you get into the "ignition" circuits, there can be a difference...... But from what you have desrcibed, it sounds like it's on the up and up! Consider that the starter solenoid is about a $8 part and the starter is about $35 rebuilt.... Just replace (re-build) both! Sometimes stuff just has reached its "end of life". I truely believe you have it wired right...........