Please help, 01 TJ


New member
I've got an 01 TJ, 4.0, straight 6, manual.

Last night I accidentally left the headlights on, so obviously this morning it was completely dead. Got a jump, let it run for about 10-15min alternating between normal idle speed and just over 2000RPM. Then I drove about 7-10min, turned it off, did an errand, and it would not restart. It was making a weird "clicking" type of noise.

I had to leave it, and went back after about 3-4hrs later. Open up the hood, and an earsplitting, deafening squeal goes off. Apparently it has a security/anti-theft system!?? It would not stop going off, so I finally just ripped the horn portion off.

However, the lights, both interior and exterior, still flash on and off when I open the hood, close the hood, hit a fender, open a door, put my key in the ignition.. When I go to turn my key in the ignition, everything immediately switches off. No more dash lights, no deck lights, no nothing. No clicks, it's silent, but it will not turn over or do anything at all.

Is there a way to fix this myself without having to go to a Jeep dealer? Thank you so much for any help!

I am not positive about this but pretty sure. If you take off the positive bat cable and wait a few minutes and put it back on, It will reset the computer and should stop the alarm issue. Then try to jump the jeep again. You can have your bat tested for free at most local auto store, (autozone, advanced, orieley's) Have them load test it as well. I had a bat test fine, I then asked them to load test it and it failed big time. Sounds like bad bat to me, the no lights, no nothing is probably the security system and will probably self fix once you do the bat cable thing. Good luck, and I hope that's all it is.
thank you for the reply!

unfortunately, i unplugged the positive battery cable for over a half hour, then came back and as soon as i'd reattached it the alarm came wailing back on, which is when i ripped it off haha.

my new thought was the battery, but this battery is only about 4-5mo old, so i would hope that it's not that. my goal today is to try to get it started so i can take it to oreillys to have them test it.

last night the only way i even got it home was i had someone pull me a short distance, popped the clutch and put it in gear and it started running, but while running i could still hear the clicking of the alarm going off and the dash lights dimming. over and over the whole 7-10min until i got home, where i turned it off and tried to turn it back on. same thing, absolutely nothing.

my next step will be to call a local jeep dealer to see if there's a way they can reset the alarm, or somehow make my keys so that my jeep will realize that they're the right keys! not sure what else to do at this point, very very frustrating
finally got this resolved!! apparently the unknown alarm system that was in my jeep included an ignition kill switch! unplugged the two fuses that were attached and he starts right up, no problem whatsoever. yay!

There was no factory anti-theft system on TJ's in 01, so you have an after market alarm. If you pull the knee bolster off, the alarm module or "brain" should be pretty easy to see. Simply unplug everything from the brain. Then you will have to locate the 12 gauge ignition harness, there will be a relay that interupts the starter circuit. Remove the relay from the circuit and then re-connect the starter wire so that it is connected as it would have from the factory. You have successfully disarmed the alarm. I would suggest further down the road, chasing all the wires from the brain to the vehicles to the point of connection and completely removing the alarm wiring and cleaning up the factory wire to ensure it does not become problematic down the road.

EDIT* by no factory anti-theft, I mean a system that would be an alarm, TJ's with a gray key (IIRC) will have the VATS
my jeep came with two gray keys, i'm not sure what the initials you listed mean. it wasn't a factory alarm system, apparently it's a viper aftermarket system that whoever sold the jeep to the dealer i bought it from didn't include the remote necessary to disable the alarm after it went off. i guess i'm lucky it took until now to go off, since i've had it since late july/early august of last year.

all i had to do was take out two fuses that were under the steering column and tucked back in behind there. i've had that panel off before and didn't even see it, whoever put it in did a good job of hiding it.

once i have some free time and the temperature is above single digits i will most definitely be following all the wiring and taking it out. the attached siren is no longer attached as of monday night and is currently somewhere in a trash truck/dump. that screaming into my ear was a very unwelcome surprise.

so glad to have gotten this figured out. thank you for the reply and happy for the help on my first post.
As I stated it would have to be an aftermarket, jeep did not introduce a "factory" alarm in open top vehicles until the JK in 06 and even that it is basically a keyless system with a annoying noise maker.

VATS= Vehicle Anti-Theft System

I'm surprised it started, Viper is made by DEI and I am very familiar with their products. The starter relay is supposed to require a 12 volt trigger from the brain to allow the starter circuit to receive signal from the ignition, in order to do this, the alarm needs to be in a non-breach mode (disarmed and/or not set off) and have ignition input from both the ignition and the accessory circuits. If the 12 volts to the unit is removed, the alarm is supposed to not allow the vehicle to start unless you completely remove the relay from the starter circuit.

Definately would recommend removing it completely. Sounds like there is something amiss with the system, at the worse possible time, it might decide to start working again.
Good Luck