Onstar...why would jeeps need it?


New member
Ok, I was randomly checking things up and I was on Live Journ... and this guy posted a thing about his trip and he went to a hummer show and all the hummers there had onstar, which as he states is a GM product..so he commented on it and its great....

OnStar is of course a GM system, which means it isn't offered on Daimler-Chrysler Jeeps.

But then...why would Jeeps need it?

What would Jeep driver calls to OnStar sound like?

-Hello, this is Jeep OnStar.
Yes, hello OnStar. I've locked myself out of my Jeep Wrangler.
Is the ragtop up?
Unzip it, reach around, and unlock the door.
Oh...yeah. OK. Thanks!

-Hello, this is Jeep OnStar.
Yes, OnStar, I was just driving down the road when I spun out, slid off the road, and went into a ditch.
I'm having a great time, and I wanted to tell somebody!

-Hello, this is Jeep OnStar.
Yes, OnStar, there's a terrible blizzard out here and the interstate is only passable so far between Exit 1 and Exit 5.
Thanks, we'll advise people in other types of vehicles. Call us again when you clear the road as far as Exit 6.
Will do!

-Hello, this is Jeep OnStar.
Oh, I'm sorry. Everything's fine here. I meant to hit the CD eject button. I apologize.
Wait! Don't go! You're the first call I've gotten in hours! I'm lonely!

Seriously, could you sit there and get on Onstar and go "Umm yes I drive a jeep *insert what kind* and im stuck in a mudhole up to my windows, I NEED HELP!!!"
I used to work for Onstar (not on the phones) in the call center. It is a great propduct/service. I would love to have it. Emergency dispatch, roadside assistance, directions, hands free cellular with a powerful booster (way more powerful than any mobile cellular phone) all for $40 give or take

My wife has Onstar in her Bonneville and she loves it! It's pretty good peace of mind knowing that help for her and the kids is just a button away. She used it once for a dead battery and another time when the service engine light came on. They determined by remote diagnostics that a cylinder wasn't firing and asked her if she wanted them to make an appointment for her at her local Pontiac Dealer, I checked it out and found a bad plug wire. The phone can be shared on your verizon wireless plan and the basic service which I have runs about 20 bucks a month.
Seriously, could you sit there and get on Onstar and go "Umm yes I drive a jeep *insert what kind* and im stuck in a mudhole up to my windows, I NEED HELP!!!"

I'm betting the new 2wd Wranglers and Compass could use it! :purple: Did I just say 2wd Wrangler? I meant the other POS Jeep that DC has produced! :p
You know.......I think I died a little inside when I said 2wd Wrangler. OUCH! There it is again! :shock:

Umm first of all, I don't care much for something that lets the government know where I am at, at any given time. Those things have a GPS/Tracking Device thingy. I'm good with my cellphone or CB radio and a few friends with jeeps or trucks that can get me out of any hole and who has jumper cables...
My wife has Onstar in her Bonneville and she loves it! It's pretty good peace of mind knowing that help for her and the kids is just a button away. She used it once for a dead battery and another time when the service engine light came on. They determined by remote diagnostics that a cylinder wasn't firing and asked her if she wanted them to make an appointment for her at her local Pontiac Dealer, I checked it out and found a bad plug wire. The phone can be shared on your verizon wireless plan and the basic service which I have runs about 20 bucks a month.

Good point Harry
It can also summon EMS if you are in a wreck and your airbags deploy.
Can you imagine all of the wrecks were cars go over embankments and can't be seen from the hiway?

GPS is in cellphones too now. Anyone can find you if you have a cellphone on.
Usually the cell phones come set up as only to use GPS when 911 is called. You can turn it on, or leave it in "911 only" mode.

I would like to have gotten my wife a vehicle with OnStar, but we went with a Ford. We both have cellphones though.

What I have come to love are GPS and navigation systems. I have a handheld Garmin Legend and a factory nav sys in my DD. I'm thinking of getting my wife a nive aftermarket nav system for Christmas.
Actually they tell you that you can turn it off, but you'd be surprised how much BS they feed so people don't think big brothers watching. Lots of high end criminals are caught that way, even with GPS turned off.