Ok, I had to post it.

Hey OutOfStep or Corrupt can you still view the post or is it still locked out to outsiders? I only had time to read to page 7 and I'd like to read the rest sometime if it's ever back up and running.
Craig said:
Hey OutOfStep or Corrupt can you still view the post or is it still locked out to outsiders? I only had time to read to page 7 and I'd like to read the rest sometime if it's ever back up and running.

Ya, I'm able to read the thread (I am a member though)....It's to 73 pages now!!

When I was reading the posts at first I thought that things were getting a bit out of control for $25 and posting Wenzel's info was not warranted. But, if you didn't read further in the postings you didn't find out that this was not a first time scam, and that he has done numerous times on bulletin boards (successfully also) and also scammed on ebay. Furthermore, his buddies are doing the same things (bait and switch) on other boards (I think one of the subaru boards).

At that point all bets are off and Wenzel deserved what he got. And Mike did the right thing and filed charges against him for mail fraud. So a one time screw up for $25 wasn't really the whole story, and it took getting this guys info out to find out that he and his buddies are scammers.

Man this board is a breath of fresh air though, that's for sure.
I understand what you all are saying about the whole 2 wrongs don't make a right philosophy, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for a crook that got a taste of his own medicine.

He got what he deserved...

And the take-home message here is: don't screw people over, and they won't track your personal info and photos all over the internet.

I must admit, I would have done the same thing (and did a little bit) to the guy who ripped me off with the soft top. And I wouldn't feel one bit of guilt about blacklisting him out and around the entire city of Albuquerque.

Nope looks like its closed, wenzeled.com is still rockin though
mingez said:
I have a hard time feeling sorry for a crook that got a taste of his own medicine.

He got what he deserved...
I feel the exact same way. I'm tired of busting my a$$ off working 8-10 hrs/day, 5-6 days/week so I can pay for the things I have just to have some good for nothing, cheap, lazy idiot rip me off. It's about time someone stepped up and gave this jerk exactly what he deserved. Hopefully it'll make other lazy little punks think twice before screwing someone over. I hope the exact same thing happens to every crook out there till they start working for a living and earning their things instead of stealing them.
currupt4130 said:
i dont know if mike ever got his money back or not, i dont know that he has posted, but wenzel did post up an apology

Got a link to the apology, corrupt?

(Yeah, been a member there for quite some time, but never posted. Personally hate the site for the way they talk to each other and to noobs, and I think the majority of them are waaaay too full of themselves. Nothing personal, corrupt, I've read your posts, you're not one of "them".)

thanks sparky, i try to limit my stuff to tech and general discussion, but i know why they get irritated with newbies, ive gotten irritated with them too. some things you just dont go to a site and ask when at the top of the web page it says "extreme offroad". one of the worst is when someone stops in and asks, how do i do an soa? when there is a ten page long stick at the top of the jeep forum. part of the problem is people just not following the rules and posting in the wrong sections. a lot of pirate comes off a-holish but the majority of it is just sarcasm and cynicality, the web doesnt convery emotion very well. but anyway, heres the link to his apology


Mingez, did you read his apology? He started out good, but ended it with a threat....this kid will never learn! What a tool. Time to cleanse the gene pool.
TwistedCopper said:
73 pages. There is no chance of me reading all that.

At least the guy got his $$$ back.

The last 20-30 pages were just from people that signed up to P4x4 so that they could beat the dead horse even more. Folks from forums that had absolutely nothing to do with 4-wheeling came in to whack the mole. Actually, nobody that wasn't a member of P4x4 originally had no business commenting....and I seriously don't think anyone but the Weasel, MochaMike, and the moderators should have been posting.....although I must admit, I'm glad most of the members chimed in, just to show that the board stands together. I'd think our little family would pull together in the same way (only without the obscenities, flames, posting of vital info, etc.) to protect another member.

And last I knew, MochaMike still didn't officially have his money. The WU money order takes up to 30 days to clear the bank, so it still could be a fraudulent money order. WU is the easiest money order company to defraud people with.....

Sparky-Watts said:
And last I knew, MochaMike still didn't officially have his money. The WU money order takes up to 30 days to clear the bank, so it still could be a fraudulent money order. WU is the easiest money order company to defraud people with.....

The last post said it cleared.
Interesting. I read the first few pages then skipped to the last.

I can't stand scammers and I do think the guy learned a good if not tough lesson but I also agree with Lady & Twisted. It became a mob mentality "pile on" after about page 3 and I'd bet that at least a few of the people piling on have engaged in or are engaged in a similar type of dishonesty.

Oh well...the world keeps right on a turnin'....

Oooooh!!! And I get a senior member red dot! I do feel special, I do. :)

I'm still getting used to this new forum format.