Nutter bypass with Holley and TFI upgrade


New member
Isnt jeep concern but i want to get my opinion out!

I am about to do a TFI ignition upgrade and I would like to do the nutter bypass but I have a Holley aftermarket replacement carb is the nutter bypass any different? Any suggestions or helpful hints on the TFI or Nutter bypass?


I was gonna do the nutter bypass on my 90 YJ, opted instead for the mopar ignition module upgrade. I am pretty familiar with Mopar ignitions and felt comfortable with it.
Wasn´t any problem to do and worked well, probably would work better with the TFI upgrade also. Mopar ignittion modules are Cheep, abundant and reliable. has a write up on the Mopar conversion and the nutter bypass.
Seemed to be quite a few, problems with the nutter bypass, finding the correct wires and such. Were many threads last summer, by people looking for help.