needed for lift?


New member
I'd really like to lift my '04 TJ, but know nothing about this. How much lift can I get before I need to make changes to my driveline? I'd like to stay below 4", maybe a 2"-3"?

2.5" Suspension is about the max before you have to start making some real modifications to other parts of the jeep.

You should be able to get away with a 1" body for a total of 3.5" lift
Could I go with a 2" or 3" suspension kit? And if I did, would I need to replace the shocks?
Also, would I "need" a slip yoke/cv setup?
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Okay. So I have come down to two lifts that have what I think I need. The first one is a Teraflex 3" and the second is a Black Diamond 3". Leaning towards the Black Diamond since it comes with shocks and a more complete package.

Any pros or cons to either companies lift kits?
In my opoin they are both good lifts.i always looked at teraflex for more rock climbing.Black diamond I think is an all around lift.