Need some help....


New member
RE: Camp Jeep..Poconos PA

I know this probably isn't the place for this, but where else do I turn?

Here's the situation......wife just told me she's still in love with her ex! I'm totally lost on what the heck to do here. I know there's always a lot of good advice for jeeps on here so I figured I'd ask you all.....what do you think I should do? What would you do if you were in my shoes? Has anyone ever been in my shoes or hers?

Thanks everybody.

What are the ages here?

I'd take my Jeep and leave or it sounds like a good thing going know, "why buy the cow........."

Hope this helps,
Hit the road! I've been around the block alot and wether it was me that still had feelings for someone else or never ended up good. Fortunately for me I pulled my head out of my 4th point of contact and married a woman who loved just me at the time.

How long have you guys been married? I've only been married for a little less then a year and I know for certain that if I told my wife I was still in love with my ex she'd be out the door before I could blink. You shouldn't have to put up with that. Why bother? Look at it like making a bad purchase decision on a car. Cut your loss, sell it and go find a better model. Your relationship with her will suffer severely if she's not giving all she has to you as a married couple.

Sorry if that sounds a little drastic.
First off 2004, sorry to hear it man. That is never an easy thing. And no matter how much people reply to your question, you won't find any answers to the pain. Sure you will get thoughts from others that will guide you back to a "happy place", but it is all on you to figure out how you need to get there.

I will share with you my saga. (the short version)

Got married 8 months after meeting the girl of my dreams to the tune of a $15K wedding. Less than a year later skeletons come out of the closet, she is bulemic & a raging (hidden quite well) alcoholic. Not to metion her ability to lie about EVERYTHING. So I try and get her help, does not want to change. Figured out I had almost $10k unaccounted for which god knows where that went. I cut my losses and call off the marriage before we end up with a child. Also find out she was in constant communication with an ex.

Her daddy is a divorce attorney.
I am wiped out at that point, 3 cars and an entire househould of furnishings goes buh-bye.

So there I was 6 months ago, 3600 miles from my nearest family member, no car, no furnishings, no real cash to speak of. And completely broken hearted at the thought of what we had initially planned to be a lifetime.

Present day: Put together enough scratch to buy a 92 XJ, put some elbow grease into and turned it over, picked up a 97 TJ 2 months ago and have dumped every weekend into it. Taken all the negative stuff I had built up and worked it instead.

Now I find myself on Friday nights at 6pm loading up the rig, grabbing the dog & my tent, and just driving to some kick butt location. All by myself.


My opinion, get out before she has a chance to hurt you more. If she still loves him and has point blank told you that, she can not be trusted. She has obviously been telling you that she loves you as well, and as tough as true love is to manage, there is no way to split it up between two. So she is lying about her love to one of you. There is one of you that is supplying her with a comfort zone, a place to live, the comfort of having somebody there every night. Meanwhile her heart is somewhere else.

I am hoping and assuming there are no kids, because obviously that would be more difficult to just walk away from.

But if there are no kids, walk away. Be civil, split up property as best you can, take a loss if you have to. But just get yourself out of the situation so you can sit on a boulder somewhere overlooking a river to hash things out.

And don't beat yourself up over it. She has made her decision, she made it when she told you about the ex. Now make yours. (just make sure you keep the jeep!)(it will help with picking up chicks when you are finally over her!)

Good luck man

I am tempted to hit the road jumppr. But it sounds stupid...but i kinda respect the honesty. How many people do you know that would seriously fess up to something like this? We've been married a little over a year. We've had a really rocky first year because of a lot of my crap that we've had to deal with. I'm kinda surprised she hasn't left me. I'm 30 she's 28.
2004tjsport said:
yeah wellrob with the's in her name so i'm out that

Dude you can rebuild, trust me!
I know I just posted a book up above, but I went through hell and back in less than 2 years, but am recooperating just fine. I am 28 with terrible credit, but yet hold the title to a 97TJ.

Harness the negative and use it to kick the poop out of life.

2004TJ - for a second there I thought "what if this guy is the poor fool my ex married?" I think she's still in love with me and I'm sure their marriage is suffering for it. Since we broke up (3 years ago) I've heard rumors that she's thought of ways to get me back and drives by my work every once in awhile. She tells one of our mutual friends that she just wants to call and talk to me whenever she's having a bad day with her hubby. This whole time I don't think he has any clue and I really do feel sorry for him. However, you know the way she feels so I can't feel sorry for you if you stay with her. Yes, I am sorry that she's a b#*&! and that she'll get the Jeep, but that's about it. There's a whole lot of other Jeeps out there and there's other women out there too.

The one I feel sorry for the most here is the innocent TJ. :cry: He didn't ask to be brought into this world and a broken home, but that's what he got. I'll be sure to hug my Jeep the next time I see him. I know I don't do it enough.
That would be funny if my wife was your ex. But highly doubtful since your in CA. Is your ex stalking you or what? Yeah I know that way she feels...she started the conversation by saying that she needed to be honest with me. I guess the way her and he ex broke up it was pretty hard on her.

Jumppr....quick question....since you think ex still loves would tell her to take a leap if she ever tried anything right? I know if my ex came to me and declared her love....i would go nuts. Just a thought.....curious where the ex might stand as another perspective.

I really do love her, but I guess you guys are right....she's made her choice.
2004tjsport said:
Yeah I know that way she feels...she started the conversation by saying that she needed to be honest with me.

Some may call it honesty but I think she just kicked ya in the teeth. Why did she unload that on you. :roll:

The one I feel sorry for the most here is the innocent TJ. :cry: He didn't ask to be brought into this world and a broken home, but that's what he got. I'll be sure to hug my Jeep the next time I see him. I know I don't do it enough.[/quote]


Next thing you know they are all grown up with 175,000 miles..... you think back to the days they were so small and stock height............. they're first tires........
Wiring in windshield mounted lights- could use some advice

Some may call it honesty but I think she just kicked ya in the teeth. Why did she unload that on you.

No kidding! 'Bout the way i feel about it. why do women have to be like that? Seriously why marry someone if you have feelings for someone else? It's not like they feel this way years later all of a sudden. If they still love their ex's they have for a while and they've been lying for however long it's been.

Sorry to bring this into jeepz....but everyone here is honest! And they don't know either one of us so theirs no taking sides.
RE: Satellite Plug and Play Tuners - do they work OK?

Maybe not those exact words, but definetly words to that effect. I don't think she's stalking me. I just think she hasn't got over us yet and doesn't know what to do about it. When I come home and find a rabbit boiling on my stove then I'll worry. I don't think a week has gone by since we broke up that her name hasn't been brought up in conversation. I got very tired of hearing about her craziness a long time ago. Now, when I hear about stuff she's doing or saying I just laugh it off and thank God I married the right girl.

Sounds crazy to me. If it's been 3 years who's bringing up the crazy chick in the conversations? Glad to hear you married the right one.....I must be on the **it list with God....cuz this is my 2nd marriage.
it runs...

Roundlights....I think you took the right road. Takes a lot to leave and start over again.

Maybe this is spiteful...but since the TJ is in her name I'll leave it with her :) She can keep the debt and I'll go buy an older one and fix it up!

So....when it comes down to it....I think divorce number 2 is around the corner :(
Re: RE: Wiring in windshield mounted lights- could use some

2004tjsport said:
Roundlights....I think you took the right road. Takes a lot to leave and start over again.

Maybe this is spiteful...but since the TJ is in her name I'll leave it with her :) She can keep the debt and I'll go buy an older one and fix it up!

So....when it comes down to it....I think divorce number 2 is around the corner :(

Hey bro.......
With a ton of elbow grease and some rough months this is what the final score came to:

Her: about $24,000 in auto debt, three cars & $7K in credit card debt (she wanted it all just so i had nothing)

Me: A 97 TJ (that I hold the title to) and the dog.
(not to mention with all the free time I had, I did tree work on the side and refurnished my place with leather......also paid for with cash.... boy did that burn her when she saw it!)

Only differenc between you and I my friend: There will be no "round" 2 in the divorce court!! 8)

RE: it runs...

I bought a truck with an ex one time and everytime I looked at it I saw our crappy relationship. That's why I bought the Jeep. It's what I always wanted and that's what I got. Stiff her with the debt. Get the 2nd divorce and whore it up for awhile. "FOOTLOSE AND FANCY FREE" I hope I never have to go through this......My wife would take the dogs and the Jeep......:(
Jumppr got your PM but new to this and can't reply. My wife have never lived in CA. We're in Maine. Totally understand though!! I don't know many people who have both a TJ and a Liberty though.

Ok......sorry to sound crazy. My ex has done some weird stuff lately and I just got a little freaked out. :lol:

With women like this in the world I can see why some guys go gay!