My Jeep was broken into AGAIN!!

You all make great points. I for one belioeve very strongly in might rights and yes I am willing to die for those rights and what my country stands for. I thik that it is a good thing to let people have firearms. To an extent of course. Nobody needs to have a Browning .50 or M60 in their closet(for those who don't know those are military, fully auto machine guns that fire a nice sized round). Another thing is that you need to use your head. Common sense is your best defense. That gun is capable of alot. Unfortunately it can do as much good as bad. People must think!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately I'm from Jersey and the Democrats run this screwed up state. No concealesd firearms here. I wonder why states like Texas have such lower crime rates. Hmmmm....

Utah and Sound_man Both have great arguments. I think that Utah has the right idea with calling the police. BUT, if you can kep the suspects where they are, be it at gun point that is good. So sound_man also has the right idea. The most important thing here is SAFETY and COMMON SENSE.

Oh yeah almost forgot. In no cercumstances should it be $200 or a life. It can only be yours or his if it goes that far.
MY jeep was broken into about a month ago. All they took was my stereo. I am lucky that they didn't ruin any of my bikini top,etc.

I have my BB gun and slingshot from when i was 12 to protect my jeep. :D And two very old and slow dogs.
Sooner or later, most everybody is gonna be confronted by some sociopathic personality. The statistics say 3 people out of a hundred are flat dangerous. Calling the Police might be helpful, you´ll probably end up with your tires cut or your house set on fire. Hiding might work or ignoring the problem, until the next time. Personally I think everybody with the temperment or the inclination to do so, should be armed.
They should be competant with whatever firearm they decide on.
My youngest daughter told a dealer where he could stick his drugs. I guess, it hurt his pride or something. He antagonized and terrorized her for weeks. I started picking her up from school every day. While I was picking her up, the group of dopers, would make a point of flashing there pieces at me. Told the police, they said, they really couldn´t do anything unless a crime was commited (the dopers had lookouts with cell phones to warn of patrols), the school said they arn´t responsible for anything that happens off of school grounds (think the teachers were afraid of them too). They threatened to beat me bloody on numerous occasions.
To make a long story short, I´m still here. They are nowhere to be found, in this area anyway. And my daughter can walk back and forth to school, with a minimum of trouble. A combination of 4000 lbs. and 200 horses, combined with 12 gauge and a few like thinking friends. Convinced them to move on. They just weren´t up to a serious reality check.
Yep. I feel your pain. After nearly 8 years, mine was broken into for the first time last April. They took a bunch of stuff and I didn't think I had anything expensive inside until I added it up for insurance purposes. It sucks, but, oh well. What can you do?

All of yall with these jeep theft and vandalism stories are making me apprehensive about getting my sound system haha I hate to hear about this kinda stuff. Its one thing if like an iphone is sitting in the seat and its unlocked but if they dont even know of anything of value in there is just Fd up
Since I'm gone a lot I've told my wife to not go for the gun until the last resort. If someone breaks into our cars/house she is to lock the bedroom door, call the police and know where the gun is in the event they get thru the door. Even then I would rather her fire a shot thru the ceiling just to let the guy know she knows how to shoot before she aims at the perp.

Though recently I was out of town and someone got into the backyard. Who knows what they were after, but by the time (mere seconds) she had 911 on the phone my dog was tearing the guy a new one while he tried to climb back over the fence. I'm not too worried at all about someone actually getting into my house anymore.