my first jeep wave


New member
It was only a few weeks after I bought my first jeep that I ruptured my Achilles tendon. The sun has been out here in La for months and I've been only able to look at her under the carport.... But that was until today! My ankle hasn't fully recovered but i couldnt take it any longer, I had to go for a ride. It was so freaken satisfying, just a reminder of why I gof this toy in the first place. And to top it off, I saw a fellow jeepster driving a red wrangler who waved at me. After i waved back, my girlfriend sitting in the passenger side said "cooool!". Then I told her, " that's why i bought a jeep"

Is there a special "jeep" wave I should know about ?
The Jeep wave is a long standing tradition. The main point is that you wave at other Jeeps. It normally seems limited to open top rides, but sometimes others will wave, especially the lifted / big tires crowd.
I've had a real hard time getting waves from JK owners........guess they don't get it quite yet. But around here it's hard to distinguish between the "country wave" and the "Jeep wave"...........I just figure if it comes from a Jeeper, it's a Jeep wave.

Easy. See a Jeep and wave. Some people are cold (or don't know better) and will not wave back, but wave every time....they will warm up and wave back eventually.

It took me several weeks for one that I pass every afternoon after work....I waved every day and got nothing. One day the wave came back and now every day waves are exchanged.8)

The JK haters will come out and say that they don't wave as much as others, but try it yourself before you let others make a decision for you. I drive both a TJ and a JK and I wave at all topless-style Jeeps I see and get just as many waves back (or not) regardless of what kind they are driving. Sometimes I get waves from XJs or KJs (usually modded) and they immediately get a wave in return.

Basically, there are two types of people with Jeeps: Jeepers and Jeep owners. Jeepers are family and have a deep love for Jeeps of all types and the people who own them. Jeep owners are people who happen to own a Jeep.
I wave at every jeep I pass. usually I get a wave back, especially in the more rural locations. in the city the nodded jeeps are usually the wavers with the "jeep owners" giving me strange looks.
every now and then we get a jeep wave, but in AZ ppl are grumpy due to the extensive heat, and ppl don't wave.... atleast in Gilbert...

Mostly we get comments on Dustin's ICP stickers... ha ha

Megan G said:
every now and then we get a jeep wave, but in AZ ppl are grumpy due to the extensive heat, and ppl don't wave.... atleast in Gilbert...

Mostly we get comments on Dustin's ICP stickers... ha ha

Funny I get a lot of jeep waves here. Must be Arizona is wrangler territory.

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it is sad how some peopl dont wave to fellow jeepers. i get it alot here in srq (mostly from the "hummer" jeep people) that have no idea that it comes with owning a jeep. but i have noticed that the lifted big tire with mud and scratches on their baby wave ALL the time. I think it has become an offroad thing. if u offroad u get a wave if u dont.......well i better stop there i might p!$$ some people off...... :D
some people just have thier panties in a wrinkle.
Wave at all of them!! If you get a wave back then you will both have a nice day.
Happened to me on Sunday. Granted, I've only had my jeep for 2 weeks, but a gentleman in a white Wrangler waved in my direction at a redlight - I was turning left and he was stopped at the intersection. He waved and did a little wave back, I wasn't sure if he was definitely waving at me or not. Now I guess I know. I'm from a small town in Mississippi originally, so waving at other cars is no new concept for me.
Hernando. I went to State. Nice to see some MS folks here. I'm currently in Michigan, but I sure miss my home state.

Sure they count. they say jeep on the hood and are easily recognizable as to their manufacturer.

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banannaclip said:
do 4 door jeeps count??? are they really jeeps???? they confuse me

If you google image 4 door jeeps, you will see things that amaze you.

They are used everywhere 2doors are plus they have space.

I hate it when people just assume that 4 doors aren't jeeps.