MCSE Bootcamp


New member
I've got 9 days left of this bootcamp....:-| Wow! What a lot of information, but it will all pay off in the end.....for I will be one of the recognized Microsoft gods.....:pray: Add that to $4.30 and I can get a mocha at Starbucks. :D

That's great man. I've got an 2003 MCSA +Exchange myself (I just picked up a Cisco ccent as well). The microsoft stuff is really hard - I had to retake the exchange exam 3 times :roll:

For those non geek types, JeepMonkey it looking to become a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer - one of the best computer / technical certifications you can get.
Good luck with the program and testing Jeep Monkey.

I have nothing but respect for so-called "geeks" who tend to make all the big bucks and have scads of opportunities in the workplace.

Wish I had gone more in that direction myself...but then I had a different calling.

Yeah I have to say I've had a lot of great oppurtunities from the Army, but this is probably the best. As of a few hours ago I have only 2 more tests to take for MCSA and 5 more for the MCSE. I'm also going to take the Security test so I'll be + Security. I'll be pursuing CISSP this summer.

Thanks for the votes of luck!

I just finished taking another test. I am officially an MCSA + Security. 3 more test to go before MCSE +. Feeling pretty good about my chances as the tests seem to be getting easier or I'm knowing more!
No, but I do think there is something in the water over here in the Silicon Valley Area. You're either a computer geek or you're from out of town it seems like.

More power to you and good luck on the rest of the tests. I took all the classes for my MCSE but haven't had the time to study and take the tests. My employer doesn't see the need for me to take the time off. Oh well, I'm about to make a career change anyway and where I'm going, I don't need no stinkin MCSE.

:pray: I am a certified computer god now! Or at least that's what the paper says. I just finished the last test and I am officially an MCSE/+Security now.
It was a full two week course. We started on Monday and worked straight thru one weekend and finished today. Actually, I took two tests in one day and finished yesterday. I'm mentally smoked!

Sounds like time for a brain dump. You know how army training is, work up to pass the test and loose everything in a week. LOL, congrats and I'm sure your retain since it was not taught by the USA.
Unfortunately, a lot of what I did learn I won't get to use very much at my level because I work for the Army. However, there was a lot of information that I will be able to use so I am looking forward to that. Plus, taking this class has reinvigorated my quest to become a professional and hopefully I can keep learning as much as I can before I retire in six years. When people retire at our hangar they just come back the next week in another capacity and continue doing the same job (usually making more money/doing less!). I don't want to do that. I want to leave the Army behind and see how far I can go on what I've learned from them.
One of the best things I did after getting certified was to signup for technet.
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for $350 you get copies of everthing Microsoft makes. You'll be able to setup a 2008 server, Exchange mailserver, and throw vista on a couple of boxes, so you can play around with this stuff after you get home from work. Computer knowledge is really use it lose it.

I also spent some time moonlighting, setting up networks for small business. I didn't make much, but I learned alot about what Microsoft says works, and what works best in the real world.