

New member
If Cheney had a heart attack tonight, do you think Edwards would have asked to represent him in a suit against that poor lady that was asking the questions?

The old VP doesn't seem to have a problem with stuttering and long pauses, does he? :lol: Did Edwards ever directly answer ANY of his questions?

So who do you think looked prettier?.....since that was such a factor in the last debate.
fuzzy bunny????? hahahahaha. The profanity filter won't let me type the Vice Presidents name. Does Mingez control the filter or what? Darn left-wing conspiracies.
Cheney won hands down.

Edwards needs to learn to address the question at hand. Although, it wasn't a landslide victory like the last one. Edwards just has a used car salesman feel to him.
As for Cheney, he looked like the quintessential Right-Winged 1980's junkbond era Regannite piggy. Could he be less likable?

And yes, I control the profanity filter. Whooo haa haa haa! Dance puppets DANCE!! :mrgreen:

Damn right Cheney won. Edwards doesn't look like a salesman, he looks like a trial lawyer. He dances around the truth to convince you of something that is not. That's what he did for 90 minutes last night.

He couldn't even talk about himself for 90 seconds without mentioning Kerry twice. Pathetic.

mingez said:
it wasn't a landslide victory like the last one.
It was a landslide for Kerry on appearance and demeanor, but certainly not on content.

mingez said:
As for Cheney, he looked like the quintessential Right-Winged 1980's junkbond era Regannite piggy.
Well :shock: are we a little bitter? He looks like an old guy. An old guy with alot of experience and knowledge. I liked what he had to say during the original 2 minutes of the above mentioned 90 sec reponse. Dick Chaney has to qualify himself for that job. I was pretty impressed when he flat-out said he had no political interest in it, as he has no intention of running for office in '08. I think I like Cheney a lot more than I did before last night. Just goes to show how easily the leftist media can influence our thoughts when they ram crap down our throats on a daily basis.

lol Twisted. I may not agree with your side but I must say you are as solid of a supporter as an old oak tree in a strong wind. It's interesting to see someone have a side and stick to it so wholeheartedly and with such passion.

I have to say I thought Edwards still won last night. It definitely wasn't a landlandslide, I agree, but I still think Edwards won on content.

Cheney did, for the most part and on the surface, project the appearance of the a someone who's seasoned and not interested in political games...but that image simply doesn't jive with the actions that I've seen from him. I applauded Edwards for taking Cheney to task on several issues and in effectively limiting his use of some of his usual campaign distortions.

My jaw dropped when Cheney said he hadn't suggested that 9/11 and Saddam weren't connected. Another key one is when Cheney said he hadn't met Edwards "until you walked on stage tonight". However, several reports have revealed that to be untrue and photos are now being posted on several news and other sites of the times that Cheney and Edwards did meet...including when they were on stage together at a prayer breakfast. So what's the deal with that? Was it amnesia or was it simply too good a line to be impeded by peksy little facts?

Question: Was it me or did anyone else pick up the notion that the exchange about Cheney's daugther was a bit more than the actual words that were conveyed (i.e. Edwards crossing the line a bit in pointing out that Cheney had a gay daughter and Cheney effectively off, but in more explicit terms).

Special_K said:
I applauded Edwards for taking Cheney to task on several issues and in effectively limiting his use of some of his usual campaign distortions.

Show me one candidate in the past ten, hell tweny years that has not done that. They ALL do that. I can usually tell when the BS is starting to fly when they bring out statistics and financial figures. Both Cheney and Edwards went to the statistic circus act more than once. Edwards, however, rarely answered the questions asked of him. He spent most of his time talking about previous questions and John Kerry. Cheney, however, stayed on topic on almost every question.

Special_K said:
My jaw dropped when Cheney said he hadn't suggested that 9/11 and Saddam weren't connected.
One question: WHY? I'll tell you why.
Your jaw dropped because you listen to mainstream, liberally biased media. There is a sound bite played often today. It is not played in it's entirety:
The leftist media wrote that dick Cheney said:
-- and we will have struck a major blow right at the heart of the base, if you will, the geographic base of the terrorists who had us under assault now for many years, but most especially on 9/11.

Here's what he said in it's entirety:

Dick Cheney said:
If we can stand up a good representative government in Iraq that secures the region so that it never again becomes a threat to its neighbors or to the United States, so it's not pursuing weapons of mass destruction, so that it's not a safe haven for terrorists, now we will have struck a major blow right at the heart of the base -- if you will, the geographic base -- of the terrorists who have had us under assault now for many years but most especially on 9/11. They understand what's at stake. That's one of the reasons they're putting up as much of a struggle as they have is because they know if we succeed here in Iraq that that's going to strike a major blow at their capabilities.
Here's another KEY part the media omit when they try to support the democratic spin:
the follow-up question from Russert: "So the resistance in Iraq is coming from those who were responsible for 9/11?"
Dick Cheney said:
No. I was careful not to say that.
This is from September 14th of 2003 when Cheney was on Meet the Press.

Special_K said:
Another key one is when Cheney said he hadn't met Edwards "until you walked on state tonight". However, several reports have revealed that to be untrue and photos are now being posted on several news and other sites of the times that Cheney and Edwards did meet...including when they were on state together at a prayer breakfast. So what's the deal with that? Was it amnesia or was it simply too good a line to be impeded by peksy little facts?
John Edwards has been known for his attendance record for a long time. I'll give you that Cheney's statement was distorted to bring his record into light. It does not change the fact that he missed more time from the senate than any other senator.

On Feb. 1, 2001, the vice president thanked Edwards by name at a Senate prayer breakfast and sat beside him during the event.

On April 8, 2001, Cheney and Edwards shook hands when they met off-camera during a taping of NBC's "Meet the Press," moderator Tim Russert said Wednesday on "Today."

On Jan. 8, 2003, the two met when the first-term North Carolina senator accompanied Elizabeth Dole to her swearing-in by Cheney as a North Carolina senator, Edwards aides also said.

Not one of these had ANYTHING to do with the US Senate (Edwards' elected position). Hence his own home state nicknaming him "Senator GONE" He did meet him. 3 times in four years, and never at work. Hmmmm

If Kerry/Edwards don't win this election, it will be back to the courtroom for Edwards, as the people of NC who voted him in to office will most likely not do so again. Can you blame them?

Special_K said:
Question: Was it me or did anyone else pick up the notion that the exchange about Cheney's daugther was a bit more than the actual words that were conveyed (i.e. Edwards crossing the line a bit in pointing out that Cheney had a gay daughter and Cheney effectively off, but in more explicit terms).

Crossing the line a bit? :shock: I would say that is an understatement. That was nothing short of a deeply personal potshot and clearly the act of a desperate man losing a debate. It was no secret that Cheney's daughter is a lesbian, but until now even the media has respected their privacy on that matter. Cheney composed himself pretty well after that. Edwards said that to anger Cheney. Him getting angry would have left the homosexuals with the impression that he is embarrassed or disapproves of his daughter. His daughter was there, too. Nice guy that trial lawyer.
LadyJeepFreak said:
lol Twisted. I may not agree with your side but I must say you are as solid of a supporter as an old oak tree in a strong wind. It's interesting to see someone have a side and stick to it so wholeheartedly and with such passion.

Well it's funny but wait till the next one. I'm so very against outsourcing of jobs. I am very against encouraging masses of immigrants across our borders. These are points at which I will wholeheartedly DISagree with Bush/Cheney. The question is, will Kerry/Edwards talk a campaign promise or can they possibly make an impact on these issues. My thoughts are we will get "more of the same", as Kerry likes to put it, from either of them.

If Kerry wins in November, and is actually tough on outsourcing it will be my only consolation prize. I find it hard to believe that he will though - his Wife's company (HEINZ) is a huge outsourcer :shock:
TwistedCopper said:
Your jaw dropped because you listen to mainstream, liberally biased media. There is a sound bite played often today.

My jaw didn't drop because of any one sound bite or even a few of instances. There are so many instances where Dick Cheney made that comparision in earnest--not just from a distorted sound bite. This is one issue where I don't want to take the time to pull the quotes as I have done in other cases...but I am completely confident on this matter.

TwistedCopper said:
Not one of these had ANYTHING to do with the US Senate (Edwards' elected position). Hence his own home state nicknaming him "Senator GONE" He did meet him. 3 times in four years, and never at work. Hmmmm

That's fine and dandy...but the VP's statement was incorrectly dramatic. He could have made the point (as he had been doing) without saying something that's technically incorrect.

TwistedCopper said:
Crossing the line a bit? :shock: I would say that is an understatement. That was nothing short of a deeply personal potshot and clearly the act of a desperate man losing a debate. It was no secret that Cheney's daughter is a lesbian, but until now even the media has respected their privacy on that matter. Cheney composed himself pretty well after that. Edwards said that to anger Cheney. Him getting angry would have left the homosexuals with the impression that he is embarrassed or disapproves of his daughter. His daughter was there, too. Nice guy that trial lawyer.

It's funny that not too many commentators have mentioned the true nature of that exchange and simply focus on the the VP and Senator being polite to each other.

I agree that it was a potshot and I had to dock Edwards some cool points for that one. I also gave VP Cheney some cool points for his composed yet effective and very pointed response--all while being "polite". Edwards was doing quite well up to that point and I think that the sharpness of Cheney's response (that is, the unspoken response) threw him off for a seemed to take Edwards a while to regain his momentum.

But even after the that exchange and the debiting/crediting of cool points, Edwards still has more cool points in the bank than Cheney.

One question: WHY? I'll tell you why.
Your jaw dropped because you listen to mainstream, liberally biased media. There is a sound bite played often today. It is not played in it's entirety:
The leftist media wrote that fuzzy bunny Cheney wrote:
-- and we will have struck a major blow right at the heart of the base, if you will, the geographic base of the terrorists who had us under assault now for many years, but most especially on 9/11.

Hey TC, how come you have enough faith in the common man make intelligent decisions about owning an UZI, yet you don't think that the common man has the ability to wade through hype and "lies" of the so-called "Liberal biased" media?

Does having faith in the common man depend on whether or not we like the topic at hand?

I for one am a gun owner, therefore the media doesn't influence me at all. :lol: :wink:
Special_K said:
There are so many instances where fuzzy bunny Cheney made that comparision in earnest--not just from a distorted sound bite. This is one issue where I don't want to take the time to pull the quotes as I have done in other cases...but I am completely confident on this matter.
Really? Show me one. One. In full context.

Special_K said:
That's fine and dandy...but the VP's statement was incorrectly dramatic. He could have made the point (as he had been doing) without saying something that's technically incorrect.
Well he did make the point. "Incorrectly dramatic"??? Please!
Your new catchphrase is the perfect description of the guy you think won.

Special_K said:
But even after the that exchange and the debiting/crediting of cool points, Edwards still has more cool points in the bank than Cheney.

Cool points, eh? Well I'm glad he made an impact on you. I think Cheney is anything but "cool", but he certainly demonstrated to me why he is VP and why we should keep him there. Edwards, on the other hand, told us repeatedly that John Kerry has a plan for this, a plan for that. The only real details about these "plans" were more spending and more taxes.

How do they plan to knock down the deficit as they say they will by spending more money & doubling the troops in Iraq?
Mingez said:
Hey TC, how come you have enough faith in the common man make intelligent decisions about owning an UZI, yet you don't think that the common man has the ability to wade through hype and "lies" of the so-called "Liberal biased" media?

Does having faith in the common man depend on whether or not we like the topic at hand?

Sometimes Mingez you reach too far to try to make a point. This is a good example.

The liberal media is a far more dangerous weapon than a gun. They are relied upon by millions for information, news, and entertainment. When they are full of distortion, lies, and bias then the common man is mis-informed. Mis-informed when they go to the voting booths. Fortunately there has been a growing awareness of this bias and eyes are opening.

I know it is likely you come back with something to the effect of:
"Well thinking the common man won't be able to make rational decisions/choices or develop their own opinions reguardless of what the media says" Trying to demonstrate my "lack of faith in the common man". When all they see or hear or read is from the leftist pinko socialist daily bugles of our country it is hard to ask anyone to see the truth.

You made a statement recently saying that I was a well-read conservative and that was a rare thing. Well I spend alot of time listening, reading, and watching things other than Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Peter Jennings, and Tom Brokow. I don't read our liberal RAG Baltimore Sun. I read my news on the internet, listen to AM radio (no, not just Rush Limbaugh - you know I am not one of those), and watch FOX News Channel so I can hear/see bias free news.

My lack of faith is with the judgement and motives of the mainstream media, not the common man. Please try to not describe my thoughts, feelings, positions, or motives and speak for yourself.
I read my news on the internet, listen to AM radio (no, not just Rush Limbaugh - you know I am not one of those), and watch FOX News Channel so I can hear/see bias free news.

TC, one of those what? I know diehard liberals that wouldn't miss Limbaugh for anything.
You guys get the Neal Boortz show there? THAT is the best radio show ever.

Ron Smith @ WBAL.COM is the best talk radio. 3pm-6pm EST weekdays.

I meant a dittohead. I listen to Rush, but take him lightly. He has a lot of good stuff and a lot of truth, but he is toting the republican party line and it shows often. What station is that show on? Do they broadcast on the net???
Sometimes Mingez you reach too far to try to make a point. This is a good example.

Hee hee, just getting a rise dude. I know it was a bit over the top.

The liberal media
While I admit the media is liberal biased, I think the extent to which it is, is a bit over the top. It's all about ratings and money, and half of their clientele is conservative.

Well I spend alot of time listening, reading, and watching things other than Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Peter Jennings, and Tom Brokow.
So, instead you've been influenced by conservative biased media.

My lack of faith is with the judgement and motives of the mainstream media, not the common man. Please try to not describe my thoughts, feelings, positions, or motives and speak for yourself.

I'm sorry If I offended you, I was just trying to be light-hearted about that last post. You know I'd never intentionally try something like "Describe your thoughts, feelings, or motives" with any mal-intent. I think I just didn't use a sufficient amount of smiley faces to express it as such. :D :wink:

But critiquing the opponents position is what one does in debate. Much like I've been described as a Pinko Commie Liberal Treehugger, when I am VERY different than those "Isms". It sucks being pigeon holed into a category, and being coined a liberal (as if that's a bad thing) is no different. Sorry if that is how that was taken.

The liberal media is a far more dangerous weapon than a gun.
But the question wasn't "Hey TC, is the Media more dangerous than Guns?" It was questioning "faith in the common man", and what I feel is convenient usage of that argument. Nobody wants the common man to make their own decisions if the position doesn't fit what they think is a noble stance. We all do it.

It's a common practice:

"I think abortion is wrong (again this is just an example) therefore, people shouldn't be allowed to DECIDE for themselves if this is right or wrong for them."

"The Media is biased and liberal, therefore I believe people aren't smart enough to make good DECISIONS."

"I LIKE guns, therefore, I criticize all regulations concerning firearms because people are smart enough to make there own DECISIONS."

"I DISLIKE guns, therefore, they should be heavily regulated because most people are too stupid to make good DECISIONS."

Trust in man, for all sides, is dependant on whether it helps or hinders your agenda of choice. I just think a decision needs to be made as to whether people are inept or capable?
TwistedCopper said:
Special_K said:
There are so many instances where fuzzy bunny Cheney made that comparision in earnest--not just from a distorted sound bite. This is one issue where I don't want to take the time to pull the quotes as I have done in other cases...but I am completely confident on this matter.
Really? Show me one. One. In full context.

Here's four:

"In Iraq, a ruthless dictator cultivated weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them. He gave support to terrorists and had relationships with al Qaeda-and his regime is no more."
- Jackson MS campaign stop on 15 December 2003

“There's been enormous confusion over the Iraq and al-Qaeda connection, Gloria. First of all, on the question of--of whether or not there was any kind of a relationship, there was a relationship. It's been testified to. The evidence is overwhelming. It goes back to the early '90s. It involves whole series of contacts, high level contacts between Osama bin Laden and Iraqi intelligence officials. It involves senior officials, a brigadier general and the Iraqi intelligence service going to the Sudan before--before bin Laden ever went to Afghanistan to train them in bomb-making, helping teach them how to forge documents. Mr. Zarqawi, who is in Baghdad today, is an al-Qaeda associate who took refuge in Baghdad, found sanctuary and safe harbor there before we ever launched into Iraq. There's clearly been a relationship.”
-CNBC “Capital Report,” 18 June 2004

"The bottom line is we're there [in Iraq] for the safety and security of the nation and our friends and allies around the world. We didn't do anything to provoke the attack of 9/11. We were attacked by the terrorists and we responded forcefully and aggressively.”
– Wisconsin campaign stop on 10 September 2004

"Concern about Iraq specifically focused on the fact that Saddam Hussein had been, for years, listed on the state sponsor of terror, that they he had established relationships with Abu Nidal, who operated out of Baghdad; he paid $25,000 to the families of suicide bombers; and he had an established relationship with al Qaeda."
-Cheney, 2004 VP Debate

Even if you want to claim the above quotes are not what he intended, then why doesn't he come out and say it after all this time (well over a year and counting) and all this confusion? This isn't a new accusation by the "liberal media". Why doesn't he make a very clear Powell did a few weeks ago?

In my humble opinion: He wants to keep it fuzzy. A majority (albeit decreasing number) of Americans believe Saddam was behind the attacks on 9/11 due to such statements and suggestions..."fuzzy bunny" Cheney wants to keep it that way as it helped to justify the war in Iraq...a war he and others in this administration wanted all along.

Mingez - I do not solely watch,read, and listen to conervatives. I watch them all. As mentioned above, my absolute favorite show is the Ron Smith show on WBAL am 1090 in Baltimore. It is available on the web if you want to check it out. You will be pleasantly surprised how much of a free-thinker he is if you listen to a couple of shows.

Nobody wants the common man to make their own decisions if the position doesn't fit what they think is a noble stance. We all do it.

It's a common practice:

"I think abortion is wrong (again this is just an example) therefore, people shouldn't be allowed to DECIDE for themselves if this is right or wrong for them."
I believe people should be able to make their own choices Mingez, wether I agree or not, UNLESS it involves harm to another. That is where abortion falls out of that catagory.

"The Media is biased and liberal, therefore I believe people aren't smart enough to make good DECISIONS."
I thought I was clear that my thoughts were not that people are not unintelligent, but uninformed. Not everyone has the time to seek out the truth. If they do not hear the other side, their intelligence is not a factor in making conclusions. Ignorance is. There is a huge difference between stupidity and ignorance.

"I LIKE guns, therefore, I criticize all regulations concerning firearms because people are smart enough to make there own DECISIONS."...................."I DISLIKE guns, therefore, they should be heavily regulated because most people are too stupid to make good DECISIONS."
That's not about intelligence either, it is about freedom.

Trust in man, for all sides, is dependant on whether it helps or hinders your agenda of choice. I just think a decision needs to be made as to whether people are inept or capable?
Not for me it doesn't. That is the basis of a socialist government. that is not what good men have fought and died for, and I would gladly defend our freedom with my life if needed just as they have.

Special K -
Not one of those say Saddam is linked to 9/11. Iraq to terroists, Terrorists to 9/11. It is true that Saddam and his Irqi regime had links to terror networks. It is true 9/11 was carried out by terrorists.

Spare me the spin, I see it every evening on cable TV.

from another thread:
As for Saddam Hussein, I too agree that it was correct to invade Iraq. I believe so because he did not comply with the demands of the UN. That said, it doesn't matter if he had WMD's or not, he could have. We would never know for sure if we hadn't gone in, because he made a mockery of the UN and the inspections.
mingez said:
I'm sorry If I offended you, I was just trying to be light-hearted about that last post. You know I'd never intentionally try something like "Describe your thoughts, feelings, or motives" with any mal-intent. I think I just didn't use a sufficient amount of smiley faces to express it as such. Very Happy Wink

But critiquing the opponents position is what one does in debate. Much like I've been described as a Pinko Commie Liberal Treehugger, when I am VERY different than those "Isms". It sucks being pigeon holed into a category, and being coined a liberal (as if that's a bad thing) is no different. Sorry if that is how that was taken.

Man! and you're a tree-hugger too? :shock:

I wasn't offended. You're always apologizing for offending me. you don't offend me damnit

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

LOL I was just feeling as if you were twisting what I wrote about one thing and mis-applying it to another. I try not to do that, but we're all human, and I may even have done it myself..

I'm sure you have or will call me on something I wrote/write.

LadyJeepFreak: Another debate tonight :lol:


I can't hang tonight. I feel like a truck ran over me. lol You all will tell me about it. IF I feel better, I'll watch it from bed. What time is it on, 9pm?
